CAN Bios - Copyright Scholars

Sara R. Benson, LLM, JD
Assistant Professor, Copyright Librarian
University of Illinois Library

Sara Benson is an Assistant Professor and the Copyright Librarian at the University of Illinois Library. She has a JD, a Masters of Law and an MLIS and looks forward to conversing with you about copyright. You can find her podcast (titled copyright chat) at: or on itunes.


Martin Brennan
Copyright and Licensing Librarian, UCLA Library
University of California, Los Angeles

Martin Brennan has been the Copyright and Licensing Librarian at the UCLA library since February 2009. In this role, Marty consults with faculty about copyright issues as they add copyrighted materials to their online course sites, and is involved in a variety of Scholarly Communications issues and initiatives, within and beyond the library. Prior to UCLA, Marty was the Librarian for Medical Education and Curriculum Development at the NYU School of Medicine in New York City, and has worked in similar health sciences educational positions at the Miner Library at the University of Rochester Medical Center in Rochester, New York, and at the Library of the Health Sciences at the University of Illinois at Chicago. Back then, he was a senior member of the Academy of Health Information Professionals (AHIP) and an active member of MLA. He received his BA and MLS from the University of Illinois at Urbana/Champaign, completed additional graduate work in the Educational Communication and Technology program at the Steinhardt School of Education at NYU, and has earned a Certificate in Copyright Management and Leadership from The Center for Intellectual Property at the University of Maryland University College.


Michael Brewer
Head, Research & Learning Department, University of Arizona Libraries
Tucson, AZ

Michael Brewer has been involved in Copyright-related issues for over a decade. He served on the CLIR Copyright Subcommittee in the Association for Slavic, Eurasian, & East European Studies [ASEEES] for nearly decade and has, of and on, been a member of the Copyright Education Subcommittee of ALA’s Office for Information Technology Policy [OITP] since 2005. He chaired the subcommittee in 2010. With support from the subcommittee and OITP, between 2007 and 2012, he created a suite of popular online copyright tools under a Creative Commons license.

The Online Copyright Tools/Instructional Aids include the following:

  • Digital Slider Public Domain Tool, 2007 (updated 2012)
  • Section 108 Spinner, 2008 (updated 2010)
  • Fair Use Evaluator, 2009
  • Exceptions for Instructors eTool, 2009
  • The Copyright Genie Copyright Term Tool, 2012

The tools receive tens of thousands of uses per year and the code has been shared with over a hundred non-profits nationwide.


Qi Chen
Library Director
Calumet College of St Joseph

Dr. Chen holds a MLIS, Ed.M in Curriculum and Instruction and Ed.D in Educational Leadership. Currently she is the library director at Calumet College of St. Joseph in Whiting, Indiana. Prior to that, she was the library director for Argosy University, where she oversaw and supervised multiple campus librarians across the country and participated in copyright issues for various materials uses. Her expertise includes research and writing, teaching and coaching, assessment and evaluation, management and administration. Qi is a member of ALA/ACRL and life member and Vice President/President Elect of the Chinese American Librarians Association.


Sandra Aya Enimil
Program Director of the Copyright Resource Center
Ohio State University Libraries

A licensed attorney, Sandra provides information and resources on using copyrighted materials and assists creators in protecting their own copyright at Ohio State. Sandra works with individuals and departments within the Libraries and across campus. She works closely with colleagues in various academic units, Legal Affairs, and the Libraries’ Special Collections and Digitization & Reformatting departments to name a few. Prior to working at Ohio State, Sandra was the Archives/Copyright Manager of the Chicago Defender Newspaper. Sandra earned her Law and Masters of Library and Information Science degrees from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Sandra has Bachelor of Arts degrees in Political Science and Psychology from the University of Michigan and a Master’s degree in International Relations from the University of Ghana.

Sandra recently published an article entitled “Copyright Considerations for Providing 3D Printing Services in the Library” ( considerations-for-3d- printing-in- the-library/) in the Bulletin for the Association for Information Science and Technology. She has also given numerous presentations on various aspects of copyright for faculty and staff at Ohio State and several other institutions.


Marcia Keyser
Online Graduate Support and Instruction Librarian,
Cowles Library, Drake University, Des Moines, IA

In 2003, Marcia Keyser was put in charge of her library’s new E-reserves service. Noting that it involved some copyright issues, she set aside one day to read about copyright and “catch up on all that.” One day wasn’t enough; she’s still reading about copyright. In the intervening years, Marcia has attended conferences, online classes, webinars, and taken part in copyright-oriented committees. She has spoken about copyright at 5 conferences, written a textbook, and created a class entitled “Copyright Issues in the U.S.” for undergraduates at her university.


Cindy Kristof
Head, Copyright and Document Services
Associate Professor
Kent State University Libraries, Kent, OH

Cindy Kristof, Associate Professor, currently serves as Head of Copyright and Document Services at Kent State University Libraries, managing the Copyright Services, Interlibrary Loan, Reserve Services, and Institutional Repository operations. She assists colleagues, faculty, and students with their copyright questions, assists in obtaining copyright permissions and licensing, and regularly presents on copyright basics to groups on and off campus. She contributed a chapter titled, “U.S. Copyright and Interlibrary Loan Practice” to the third edition of the Interlibrary Loan Practices Handbook published by the American Library Association. There is an excerpt of the handbook here. She is currently the Libraries\' representative to the Kent State University Faculty Senate.


Chris LeBeau
Assistant Teaching Professor
School of Information Science & Learning Technologies
University Of Missouri
Research and Liaison Librarian, Business & Public Administration,
University of Missouri-Kansas City (UMKC)

Chris LeBeau holds a joint appointment between the University of Missouri, Columbia (MU) and the University of Missouri-Kansas City (UMKC). For the MU position she teaches a copyright course in the graduate library science program. At UMKC she serves on the Copyright Support Team. She has given a number of presentations at conferences and for faculty on various aspects of copyright.


Tomas A. Lipinski
Dean and Professor
School of Information Studies, University of Wisconsin-- Milwaukee

Professor Lipinski completed his Juris Doctor (J.D.) from Marquette University Law School, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, received the Master of Laws (LL.M.) from The John Marshall Law School, Chicago, Illinois, and the Ph.D. from the Graduate School of Library and Information Science, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Dr. Lipinski has worked in a variety of legal settings including the private, public and non-profit sectors. He is the author of numerous articles and book chapters; his monographs include, THE LIBRARY’S LEGAL ANSWER BOOK co-authored with Mary Minow (2003); the COPYRIGHT LAW IN THE DISTANCE EDUCATION CLASSROOM (2005), THE COMPLETE COPYRIGHT LIABILITY HANDBOOK FOR LIBRARIANS AND EDUCATORS (2006), and THE LIBRARIAN’S LEGAL COMPANION FOR LICENSING INFORMATION RESOURCES AND SERVICES (2012). Professor Lipinski was the first named member of the Global Law Faculty, Faculty of Law, University of Leuven (Katholieke Universiteit Leuven), Belgium, in Fall of 2006 where he continues to lecture annually at its Centers for Intellectual Property Rights and Interdisciplinary Center for Law and ICT. He is active in copyright education and policy-making, chairing the ACRL Copyright Discussion Group, a member of the ALA Committee on Legislation Copyright Subcommittee, a member of the Copyright and Other Legal Matters Committee of IFLA and a member of its Expert Group, International Advocacy Programme and serves as an IFLA delegate to the World Intellectual Property Organization’s Standing Committee on Copyright and Other Rights. In October of 2014 he returned to the University of Wisconsin—Milwaukee to serve as Professor and Dean of its i-School, the School of Information Studies.


Carla Myers
Assistant Librarian & Coordinator of Scholarly Communications
Miami University Libraries (Ohio)

Through various roles in her career Carla has helped librarians, students, and instructors understand their rights and responsibilities when creating copyrightable works and reusing protected works created by others. Her professional presentations and publications focus on fair use, copyright in the classroom, and library copyright issues.


Laura Quilter
Copyright & Information Policy Librarian
University of Massachusetts Amherst Libraries

Laura educates the campus community on copyright and related matters through workshops and consultations. Laura has taught law at the University of California, Berkeley\'s Samuelson Clinic, and currently teaches copyright and computer law at the Legal Studies Dept. at UMass Amherst, and \"Intellectual Freedom\" with the Simmons College Library and Information Science program. She regularly speaks on copyright and related matters in a wide variety of venues. Laura holds a J.D. with a Law and Technology Certificate from the University of California, Berkeley (2003), and a M.S.L.I.S. from the University of Kentucky (1993). She can be found on various soapboxes and on Twitter @LQuilter.


Carrie Russell
Director, Program on Public Access to Information
ALA Office for Information Technology, Washington, DC

Carrie has been involved with copyright issues affecting libraries and their user communities for more than 20 years, at the University of Arizona prior to working for ALA. She works with federal agencies and the Congress on information policy, prepares policy briefs, writes for library publications, and reads long wonky reports.

Carrie has Masters in Library and Information Studies from University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, a Masters in Media Arts from the University of Arizona. At the Harvard Berkman Center, Carrie attended a week-long Cyberlaw course, and was pronounced “the coolest librarian in the world” (granted she was the only librarian in attendance). Carrie is the author of Complete Copyright: An Everyday Guide for Librarians, ALA Editions (2004) and Complete Copyright: An Everyday Guide for Librarians and K-12 Educators, ALA Editions (2010) which won the 2013 ABC/CLIO Greenwood Award for Best Book in Library Literature. Carrie has given dozens of copyright presentations and workshops.


Peggy Tahir
Education & Copyright Librarian, UCSF Library
University of California, San Francisco

Peggy Tahir has been UCSF’s Education & Copyright Librarian for over five years. In that capacity, she educates faculty on copyright, gives presentations at faculty meetings, and advises on fair use and other aspects of copyright law affecting those working in higher education. She has also presented campus workshops on copyright, coordinated and promoted a copyright webinar for faculty, and consulted with faculty and instructional designers when UCSF developed MOOCs with Coursera through several of its professional schools. She has given presentations at professional meetings and presented a webinar through the Pacific Southwest Regional Medical Library for librarians entitled Educating Faculty on Copyright @ UCSF: Fair Use, Open Access, and Brief Updates on Current Court Cases. She earned a Certificate in Copyright Management and Leadership from The Center for Intellectual Property at the University of Maryland University College.

When preparing a master's thesis, it is important for a student to find exactly those online resources that will bring maximum benefit. For example, such a site can help with the correct writing of a master's thesis and a good final result.


Lori Williamson
Head, Reference and Access Services
Victoria College/University of Houston-Victoria Library

Lori has been the Copyright Officer for both institutions that her library supports for over 15 years. She has taken numerous copyright training sessions, presented on copyright at the Texas Library Association, been a member of the OITP Copyright Education Subcommittee for many years and was one of the original CAN scholars. Lori has a MLIS from the University of Texas-Austin.