Can the Library make a copy of a dvd that's unavailable for purchase and needed for course reserve?...

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  • I have an instructor who requested the Course reserve department purchase a dvd from Japan which she needs for her teaching and to screen in class.  Our Acquisitions department was unable to find any copies available for purchase. After searching the World Cat database I have located only one library that owns a copy of the title.  My questions:

    1. Is it legal to make an ILL request for the dvd from the one library that owns it, and then make a copy for the instructor to use in class?

    2. If it is legal to make a copy for course reserve use, can the Library then add that copy to it's collection for future use by the instructor?


  • I think your first question is the easier one. Yes, make a copy for the instructor.  You cannot obtain the video in any other way. You looked for copies.  There is no market harm. Non-commercial education use. Screening movies in the classroom is ok under Section 110 (1).

    Considering practices of other media librarians, I would say yes, you can add it to the catalog as well.

    What do others think?


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