Arlington House Publishers

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  • Hi, everyone.


    I want to get the copyrights of Arlington House Publishers for a specific title, but this company is now defunct, I think.

    My purpose is to publish the book "Karl Marx: racist", by Nathaniel Weyl, in Brazil. 

    I just can´t find it!

    Could you helpe me?


    Thank you, 



  • Rafael--  This work is now what we consider an "orphan work" because the original publisher is no longer in business. Whatever company acquired this publisher is the copyright holder for the works they published. It looks like Arlington House Publishers was acquired by Computer Applications, Inc. in 1968 (information from Wikipedia,, with a footnote to a 1968 item in Computerworld).  At this point, the trail goes cold for me, and further research goes beyond the scope of the kind of service we can provide through this forum.

    If you are affilated with a college or university, I recommend that you contact librarians at that institution to see if they can track down what company currently holds the copyright for this work. Also, you might not be aware that this book was repuplished in Mexico in 1980/2981 (

    Best wishes to you on this endeavor.  Billie 

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