Keeping record of requests CONTU Guidline #4
- June 18, 2019 @ 9:53amkevinr says:
I am fairly new to Resource Sharing and I have a question about keeping records of requests.
I asked my supervisor about this statement in our proposed policy:
The ILL unit will track patrons’ requests, keep a record of all requests (borrowed and loaned, filled, unfilled) for three (3) years beyond the calendar year in which the requests were filled (CONTU Guideline: 4)
My supervisor said this applies to all requests (loans and articles) (OCLC and MeLCat (a Michigan collaboration of libraries to share books)) (borrowed and loaned).
When I read Title 17, I was under the impression that this applied only to article requests from our own patrons.
Can anyone help clarify this?
- June 20, 2019 @ says:
Take a look at Section 108 of the copyright law at CONTU is NOT law, but a set of guidelines drawn up in the late 70's to help clarify Section 108. You are correct that all record-keeping is for article requests originating from the borrowing library, not the lending library. Three years happens to be the statute of limitations. For a really complete write-up of CONTU see
Again, I will repeat that CONTU is only a guideline; working with their internal counsel, some libraries draw up their own modifications or other ways of following Section 108.
- June 26, 2019 @ 12:19pmCarrie says:
To add to Cindy's response, journal article requests or photocopied portions from other works requested from another educational institution is interlibrary loan. You do not have to count photocopy requests from your own patrons. In these cases, the library already owns the work. You do not have to count books loaned to another institution. You are not making a copy - you are only loaning your own copy, and during the loan period, you no longer have the copy.
If this doesn't make sense, let us know!
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