Library Craft-Along Webcast
- March 16, 2020 @ 8:58amcedmonds says:
My library would like to maintain patron engagement during the COVI-19 outbreak, and we would like to do craft-alongs on our social media. We intend to get our crafts from some of the free ebooks available via our publically accessible databases. Since the ebooks are free, and we only intend on doing one craft from each book we use, would posting a live/recorded video craft-along using said material fall under fair use/public domain?
- March 16, 2020 @ 12:40pmCarrie says:
I think it would be fine to do a craft-along on your social media. The ebook's original and creative expression is protected by copyright, but I'm not so sure that the rights holder holds any right to the craft itself - only the original and creative way it is described.
What do others think?
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