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  • I would like to video myself reading books for my students during this time that school has shifted to online for COVID-19. Do I need to request permission from the publishers or authors of the books?


    Here's an article addressing your question.  

    There is also another statement and webinar 

    Reading Aloud: Fair Use Enables Translating Classroom Practices to Online Learning


    In recent days, as many teachers have faced an abrupt shift to online teaching, there have been questions about how copyright law applies to the translation of classroom-based practices of reading aloud to students to the digital environment. This article explains how copyright law -- specifically fair use -- permits many classroom read-aloud activities to be translated to the digital environment. 


    On Tuesday, March 31, 2020 from 1:00pm-2:30pm we will also host a webinar discussing this topic and covering common scenarios that arise for teachers and students.  Registration for the webinar is required and in available here:


    For more information about PIJIP's ongoing project on best practices in fair use for OER, please visit: 

    For information about K-12 OER resources at New America, see







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