possible to publish a translated article (that has already been published?)

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  • I am a translator. I work with a writer who has published a newpaper article in his country (in Spanish). He would like me to translate the article and try to submit to newspapers in MY country in English (so, in short a newspaper has translated the original--I will translate and submit my translation to newspapers in English.) Is this permissible without any permission from the newspaper that originally published the article? Would I have to notify the English-speaking newspaper that the article has already been published in the original language? Would I need to obtain rights to the article from the original newspaper?  Thank you! Translation rights are so tricky!

  • Hello Laundrybasket"


    Great name.

    You would need to contact the rights holder to translate the work.  That is probably the newspaper. Once you get permission, you can note that the article previously appear in the Spanish newspaper with the date. 

    Good luck!





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