Is it ok to provide handouts of presentation slides with images?

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  • At a medical school, faculty are very concerned about their ability to both post slides with images to the learning management system and distribute those same slides as handouts in class. Often presentation slides include images of diseases and conditions obtained from library licensed databases or published journal articles. I'm a bit stuck because they are probably using the 'heart of the work,' yet it is integral to teaching diagnosis of various diseases. Are they ok to provide handouts? Post slides in the LMS? Both? Neither? Thanks so much!  

  • I would think about the eduactional goal. Of course, if you need to have slides and copies of spleens, then it is a fair use.  I remind folks to keep the materials restricted to the class, don't leave the material posted if you do not need to, and to be really good, include an author citation and a warning about copyright in the LMS or on the slides.  "further reproduction or distribution of this resource may be an infringement of copyright."

    Good luck!! and sorry for the delay in replying

    Carrie Russell

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