This may sound hopeless, but I have a Russian language book by Mikhail Zadornov (Ya Nukogda Ne Dumal), published in 2007. I know the copyright laws are different in every country, and there is no way this book could be in the public domain. I believe the

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  • I have a Russian language book by Mikhail Zadornov published in either 2007 or 2010 that I would very much like to transllate into English. I know that copyright laws are different in each country, and I believe that in Russia copyright lasts for 74 years after the author's death. The book - Ya Nikogda Ne Dumal - is therefore obviously not in the public domain, which would probably make my quest impossible. What do people mean by  the "rights holders"? The publishers? The estate? Are there special exceptioons to the copyright laws for translations, as there has never been a Russian to English on? I would be grateful for any advice.

    Publisher: Eksmo (January 1 2010

    ISBN - 10 5699161430


  • It's hard to say who the rights holder for the title might be. I am not sure if you can access any copyright records in Russia.  I have little expertise in Russian copyright law so I do not about exceptions. You need to locate someone who is familiar with Russian literature or copyright law. Is there a university near you?



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