Locating defunct publisher of railroad books

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  • I cannot locate Howell-North Books of Berkeley, Calif., which published books on railroad history ca. 1975 by David F. Myrick. I wish to request permission to reprint a photo, but I cannot find either the publisher or the author. Can anyone help me determine if the publisher is defunct or what company now possesses copyrights?
  • I cannot locate Howell-North Books of Berkeley, Calif., which published books on railroad history ca. 1975 by David F. Myrick. I wish to request permission to reprint a photo, but I cannot find either the publisher or the author. Can anyone help me determine if the publisher is defunct or what company now possesses copyrights?
    Doublecheck to see if the photo is protected by copyright. What does the copyright notice say in the book? Is the photo cited separately? Did the photographer retain the rights to the photo? If the book does not have a copyright notice, then the book is in the public domain (in 1975 copyright notice was required). Of course, that doesn't necessarily men that the photo is not protected. Does the photo have a separate copyright notice? If not public domain, then I would check with some railroad aficionados - you know clubs or organizations. Perhaps they have blogs or discussion lists where you could pose your question. If you are near a good library, perhaps a reference librarian could help you track the company and find their current owner. -carrie r

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