School Virtual Talent Show

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  • With Fair Use, especially during oiur remote learning in Covid, is it okay to have a school talent show over Zoom/Meet?

    I understand that recording or live streaming over YouTube would likely shut the talent show down. but could a school use Zoom or Meet and live stream their talent show under Fair Use?

    What other things do we need to consider?

    Thank you for your help.

    I did locate these resources:


    Zoom’s Terms of Service include this statement:

    COPYRIGHT. You may not post, modify, distribute, or reproduce in any way copyrighted material, trademarks, rights of publicity or other proprietary rights without obtaining the prior written consent of the owner of such proprietary rights. Zoom may deny access to the Services to any User who is alleged to infringe another party's copyright. Without limiting the foregoing, if You believe that Your copyright has been infringed, please notify Zoom as specified here.

  • This is an excellent question. One additional issue that I've encountered with Zoom is that you may have trouble using some services to stream copyrighted music--for instance, if a student is dancing to a popular song, the sound may not come through. That could be solved by playing a song out loud on a smart phone, for instance, rather than trying ot use PowerPoint and Zoom to play a song, but I have definitely seen issues with copyrighted music and zoom.

    Another area where I've seen problems is trying to screen share and play Netflix. The person "watching" the stream cannot see the movie due to copyright issues.

    So, while you may have a better plan re: fair use and limiting risk because you are not live-streaming the event, you may wish to "practice" the event on Zoom first to make sure all of the souds/images work correctly.


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