Copyright infringement for true crime podcaster.

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  • Hello, please help me, i would like to create a podcast episode about a murder that happened many years ago in czech republic. However there is not much information about it I can find. There are several news articles and 2 youtube videos from 2 great czech researchers online, can i use the facts from these sources to retell the story in my own words or is it a copyright infringement? How could i make this episode if the czech government will not supply the case files to me? For easier understanding, please imagine it is about ted bundy, could i use facts from other sources (other podcasts/ youtube documentaries / news articles) to retell the story or do i have to gather the facts by myself from court documents? Thank you very much in advance.

  • hello Zavodmike:

    We cannot really help here as we are not familiar with Czech copyright law. I would assume that facts are protected. I would go to college or research library and ask for help. He/she will be the best resource for finding more information.


    Good luck!


    Carrie Russell

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