Logo design

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  • Dear Sir, or Madam.

    Currently, I'm working on our business logo design, and I have 2 questions, please: 1- One part of our logo design shows an image of a star. This star looks like a part of another logo design, however, not identical. Ex: our logo star has a pentagon shape in its middle, and the other logo has a kind of a similar star, but there is no pentagon in its middle. Are we on the safe side, because our star doesn't look identical to the other one?  2- In our logo, I'm using the colors of a practical county flag (Yellow & Red). Again, I'm using the same above-mentioned star on the red background to represent this country's flag. Also, however, the star looks different compared to the star that is shown on this flag.

    With the above-mentioned design, do you think we are on the safe side, or that kind of resemblance might cause copyrights issues for our business in the future?

    I wish if I could attach an image of our logo design here, however, if you need any further details or description of our logo, please let me know.

    Many thanks in advance, and I really appreciate your kind response.

    Best Regards,


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