Student newspaper

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  • Hello, our school received a letter from a company called Picrights telling us that a photo in the student paper violated copyright by using a photo that they found online. It was a stupid error since it's a photo of the Pope and there are tons of CC photos of him that they could have used instead. In addition to taking it down, the letter says that we need to pay PicRights $100. Trust me- this will be fully covered as a teachable moment, but in light of the letter and demand for $, I'm wondering if others have had a run in with the picrights folks. They're essentially "copyright trolls" that search for copyright violations and make financial demands. They work internationally and their offices and addresses are business centers where they rent a mailbox. I'm trying to gather info from others who may have dealt with them. Our students are going to contact these folks: but I wanted to see if there was anything else I could add to the conversation. 


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