lyrics for personal use?

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  • I am wondering about using part or all of a song on a piece of art work. the art would be used only as a grade for a class and to go into a college portfolio. There is no intent on selling the piece. Although I would like to know if that changes the situation in case there is an offer made on it.

    Thank you ............. Art101
  • I think using part of a song's lyrics in school art project would be a fair use. Using a short, discrete lyric would be better than using the entire song, of course.

    How do college portfolios work? Do you carry the portfolio with you to the client and then take it away after your meeting? I would not be concerned about the portfolio if it is always in your possession and it is not copied or distributed further. Stay away from making a copy of the work and posting it on the web.

    If you do get an offer for the art work, I would seek permission to use the lyric especially if it is more than a line or so. The fair use argument changes because you are profiting on the work. And because music has a heightened importance under the law. And we know that RIAA is not shy about suing people.

    [quote]I am wondering about using part or all of a song on a piece of art work. the art would be used only as a grade for a class and to go into a college portfolio. There is no intent on selling the piece. Although I would like to know if that changes the situation in case there is an offer made on it.

    Thank you ............. Art101[/quote]

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