Permitting usage of art work

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  • Hi, everyone.
    Well, I submitted my art works in about seven months ago, and now I'm offered to permit a band to use one of them as their logo. My first question is that, I live in Turkey and the band is from Netherlands, how can I permit them? Secondly, should I estimate a price? If so, how much? And thirdly, assuming I permitted them to use my art as their logo, how can I make sure they are reffering to ME as the owner of art work?
    Thanks in advance. :)
  • There are obviously some difficulties here because of the international aspect of this agreement. You'll need a contract, and you may very well need to consult an attorney licensed in your geographical region. Keep in mind that specifics of copyright law and contract law will differ from area to area. You'll need to include their referring to you as the owner of the artwork in the contract.

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