favorite copyright resources?

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  • Anyone have any suggestions of good and generally useful copyright resources that might be useful to link to in the sidebar? Basically, anything that seems like it would be a valuable general reference that would come up often... I'd like to have some basic resources to link to and be able to point to when common themes (the 4 factors of fair use, etc) come up. So, let me know your favorites :D
  • Copyright is a favorite subject of mine. Here are some of the resources I've used.

    The source:
    Title 17 USC

    The University of Texas Crash Course in Copyright

    Chilling Effects

    The Electronic Frontier Foundation's Intellectual Property Archive

    Open Law

    Lawrence Lessig's blog
    (Lawrence Lessig's books, Code and other Laws of Cyberspace, The Future of Ideas, and Free Culture, are also very worthwhile reads).

    There are several other copyright related blogs I read regularly.
    There are also several books that are worth reading: The Complete Copyright by Carrie Russell, Hoffman's Copyright in Cyberspace, Jessica Litman's Digital Copyright, and an excellent one I've read recently is Siva Vaidhyanathan's Copyrights and Copywrongs. He's recently released "The Anarchist in the Library," but I haven't had a chance to look at it yet.
  • The following .edu sites have been useful to me in the past:

    IUPUI's Copyright Management Center

    Stanford University Libraries' Copyright and Fair Use site

    -- Meghann
  • Here are a couple more:
    The Preservation Department of Stanford University Libraries runs a website called Conservation OnLine (CoOL). The site provides a wide range of information for people involved in various types of conservation. One of their topics is “Copyright and Intellectual Property.� The home URL is http://palimpsest.stanford.edu/ and the copyright information is found at http://palimpsest.stanford.edu/bytopic/intprop/

    The University of Colorado also provides online information for students and faculty regarding copyright restrictions and fair use at http://www.colorado.edu/copyright/index.html. The site includes links to other sites and decision trees for faculty and students. It addresses academic use of material as well as downloading music and using digitized material.
  • Another source that I recently discovered was www.ipwatchdog.com. They cover DMCA fairly well and I liked how organized it was.

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