Writing copyright policy

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  • I work at a community college library that is also joint use with a university. The community college institution does not have a copyright policy but is growing in it's distance learning program. Over the years, I've brought them information on copyright and TEACH, and done some workshops. So the director of the DL program wants me to work with a committee to write a copyright policy for the institution. Though a few instructors are teaching completely online, a number of them teach classes that are half DL and half face to face. I offer advice on copyright when asked. Eventually they will hire an attorney to look over the policy but I could use some help as to where to start. I've used a lot of the sites listed in one of these forum messages and shown them to the committee. We've also looked at some other institutions policies, some being very complicated and that's overwhelmed some of the committee members. Can anyone suggest some institutions that have viable policies that don't get into a lot of complications that we can look at to get some starting ideas? And should the policy have links to tutorials and other copyright sites? thanks! Sandi
  • Hi Sandi

    Here at Columbia College Chicago, my colleague Dennis McGuire and I have recently complete a draft for our copyright policy. We encountered
    the same problem of finding policies that ranged from being exhaustive to "short and sweet". It all depends upon the nature and culture of your institution.

    Don't try and do the policy alone--enlist library colleagues to work with you and provide guidance and suggestions.

    Here are some sites you may find useful:


    Best of luck to you!

    Kim Hale, Head of Collection Management
    Columbia College Chicago
  • Hi Kim,
    Thanks for the reply! I do have a small committee and I am trying to bring them up to speed on copyright and fair use in general. They aren't librarians and are alittle overwhelmed! I am trying to get some librarians to help too!
    Thanks for the sites; a few I have looked at too.
    Suggestions from anyone else still welcomed!

    [quote]Hi Sandi

    Here at Columbia College Chicago, my colleague Dennis McGuire and I have recently complete a draft for our copyright policy. We encountered
    the same problem of finding policies that ranged from being exhaustive to "short and sweet". It all depends upon the nature and culture of your institution.

    Don't try and do the policy alone--enlist library colleagues to work with you and provide guidance and suggestions.

    Here are some sites you may find useful:


    Best of luck to you!

    Kim Hale, Head of Collection Management
    Columbia College Chicago[/quote]

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