Audiobooks and ipods

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  • Our school received a grant to purchase two ipod shuffles and about 11 audiobooks. Is it OK for me to "check out" one audiobook per ipod and also have a burned CD of the book--not both checked out at the same time? Is it OK to put one audiobook on the ipod, then empty the ipod and put another one on for the next student? This is all a gray area to me. Thank you.
  • Our school received a grant to purchase two ipod shuffles and about 11 audiobooks. Is it OK for me to "check out" one audiobook per ipod and also have a burned CD of the book--not both checked out at the same time? Is it OK to put one audiobook on the ipod, then empty the ipod and put another one on for the next student? This is all a gray area to me. Thank you.
    I'm a little unclear about your situation. In what format is the audiobook that you purchased (ie, is it a download, a CD, or something else)? Are there terms of service associated with the purchase of the audiobook? Some libraries have checked out audiobooks with ipods, but you have to be aware of possible licensing restrictions. You are also limited in how you might copy the audiobook depending on its format. If the book is "software" you might have the right to make an archival copy (which cannot be circulated). If it's not, then as a non-profit library you can only make a copy if it is lost, deteriorating, stolen, or obsolete. Assuming that these are digital copies that are associated with an iPod, you probably wouldn't be able to check out the same audiobook on both iPods unless you purchased two copies of that audiobook.
  • I think what you are saying is that you will purchase a downloaded copy of the book and then 'store' it on a cd when it is not being circulation on the Ipod since you have 11 books and only 2 Ipods.

    While this should be a legal use, I agree with COvalle that you need to check to see if there is a licensing agreement with the download that adresses the situation. And there may be some type of protection on the downloaded book that prevents it from being copied more than once.
  • I am sorry I was unclear. I purchased the books through itunes (which is an Audible book). I work in a middle school library, so this is new for me. I will go back to itunes to look at the licensing--I am sure that will help clarify what I can do. I suppose my main concern was if I burned the books on a CD, can I still check the book out on an ipod (not circulating both at the same time). Thank you for your help.

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