DVD's of school musicals

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  • When our local school produces a musical, the theatre department videotapes the performance. Copies of the performance are made available for sale to students and parents. Are reproduction clearances usually included in the performance rights to a musical? If not, can they be obtained? What about using cover art from the original musical as part of the "marketing" of the school's version?
  • Unless specifically stated, I would not assume that the rights are included. Dramatists Play Svc. says plainly that they do not control this right, only performance when you license from them. In fact, at our community theater, they specifically prohibit taping the performance. You can always request the rights from the proper person (author's agent is who they suggest). They also state that if a film has been made of the work, the film studio probably has the video rights, not the author.

    The cover art would depend on who owns it. If the producer who licensed that original musical created their own cover art, which is very likely the case, it is not something that would be included in the performance permission from a publishing house. You would need permission from that creator to copy the image for newspaper ads, flyers, etc. However, there is nothing to stop you from purchasing a poster of the original musical and placing that up in the hallway, classroom, whatever.

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