Managing your institutions copyrights requests
- January 11, 2007 @ 10:21ammetzejr says:How do most organizations track faculty copyrights requests. We currently maintain a history of requests and copyrights approvals using a card system but needless to say we'd like to move to an electronic platform for this. I suspect something like Microsoft's Access software might be suitable but is there any other type of special software others are perhaps using?
- January 12, 2007 @ 8:00amwilliamsonl says:Docutek has an Ereserve system that they sell based, I believe, on FTE. There are a lot of school using this and you can contact them for a free 30-day access to try it out. Emory University offers a free software at I haven't tried it yet so cannot comment on how hard it is to adapt. We use an Access database.
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