One Article per Issue

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  • Several times we have been asked by one of our faculty to get more than one article from a recent issue(within the last 5 years) of a journal. We've been told that we can only request one article per issue in the last 5 years. How can we fulfill our faculty request for more than one article and still not violate copyright? Can we ask a document supplier such as CISTI or British Library, where we pay the copyright fee, for the second article or would that also violate copyright?
  • Beth: I have split this off into a new topic. Please, if you are changing topics of conversation in a thread, start a new one by coming to the forum main menu and choosing 'new topic', and not through posting a reply. Thanks!
  • Yes. Most document delivery suppliers, and CISTI and the British Library in particular, pay copyright holders to clear the copies they provide. Because you have paid the royalty for this copy, it does not count towards fair use copies. Our interlibrary loan office often gets requests for more copies than are allowed through fair use. We usually clear these additional copies through the Copyright Clearance Center , but sometimes obtain the item through a document delivery service that includes copyright clearance, such as CISTI.

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