DVD recording of church service?

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  • Hi!
    Just wondering if anyone can tell me what things we have to consider regarding copyright in order to record our church service on DVD and distribute it to shut-ins? We currently do this on cassette tape and we would like to update the technology. The church is covered by the standard CCLI license.

    What additional considerations would there be if we were to offer church members the oppurtunity to purchase(aka "make a donation for") a DVD copy of the church services if there was a baptism, music performance, etc. that they were interested in? We would like to eliminate individual video recording during the service.

    Thanks in advance!
  • Kathi,

    I would look to your license agreement for information about what is allowed, considering it covers copyrighted materials. If the license agreement you are referring to is the Christian Copyright Licensing International (CCLI) license, the organization's website includes information about what is allowed. The Copyright "What you can do" CCLI page (http://www.ccli.com/usa/WhatWeOffer/WhatYouCanDo.aspx ) states that

    What You Can Do
    Print songs, hymns and lyrics in bulletins, programs, liturgies and songsheets for use in congregational singing.
    Create your own customized songbooks or hymnals for use in congregational singing.
    Create overhead transparencies, slides or use any other format whereby song lyrics are visually projected (such as computer graphics and projection) for use in congregational singing.
    Arrange, print and copy your own arrangements (vocal and instrumental) of songs used for congregational singing, where no published version is available.
    Record your worship services (audio or video) provided you only record live music. Accompaniment tracks cannot be reproduced. You may charge up to $4 each for audiocassette tapes and CDs, and $12 each for videotapes and DVDs.

    What You Cannot Do
    Photocopy or duplicate octavos, cantatas, musicals, handbell music, keyboard arrangements, vocal scores, orchestrations or other instrumental works.
    Translate songs into another language. This can only be done with the approval of the respective publisher.
    Rent, sell or lend copies made under the license to groups outside the church or to other churches. (It is OK to distribute recordings to shut-ins, missionaries or others outside the church.)
    Assign or transfer the license to another church or group without CCLI's approval.

    Good luck! And if you need more information there is a link on the page above to more information about the license agreement.

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