interesting question about CONTU

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  • If a patron requests an ILL article and then rerequests it again a few weeks later (probably not realizing they had already requested it) do I have to count it two times in figuring out what I pay for CONTU? I am not talking about a duplicate request in the sense that it was submitted again by the same patron at a later time? Thanks for any help you can provide.
  • At my library, we would probably touch base with the patron to verify why they were re-requesting the article. If they had just lost the earlier copy, I would lean towards not counting it twice, but letting them know that they should destroy one copy if the earlier one were found. If, for some reason, we didn't want to check with the patron, we would probably count it twice, since it's possible the patron was requesting a copy for a colleague, or some such.

    I think that this is a gray area, though, and that many might make different determinations.

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