Copyright for newspaper project microfilm, etc.

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  • My library is discussing our copyright rationale for microfilming and possibly digitizing local newspapers as part of our state newspaper project. As I see it, there are three separate concerns:

    * copyright for microfilmed copies
    * copyright for digitized copies made for preservation
    * copyright for digital copies made for access

    Many large newspapers and some small ones are already making their newspapers available in digital format, either for free or for purchase. Some of these arrangements are probably relatively reliable for archival purposes, but many newspapers either have unreliable archiving or don't provide digital format at all. In addition, where digital format is available, it often starts relatively recently.

    To avoid reinventing the wheel, and to make sure I'm not missing any important pieces, I'm very interested to know what policies, decisions, or discussions others may have already had on this topic.

    Thanks much!

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