Mission and Vision Statements

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  • Can Vision and Mission Statements be used in a presentation for a course if it is cited? Or does it depend on the company?

    Thank you!
  • Depending on who is using the materials and how they are being used, this might fall under section 107 Fair Use or section 110. For example, if this is for a course in a nonprofit educational institution and the instructor displays the materials during a face-to-face classroom session (section 110(1)) or in an online session (section 110(2)), the instructor would not need to ask for permission.

    If, on the other hand, the course is being offered by a for-profit company, the use would not fall under section 110, and the use might or might not be considered "fair use" under section 107, depending how the material is being used. For example, if this is a for-profit company offering a corporate training course and if the copyrighted statements are reproduced and included in training materials distributed to students, this might not be fair use, especially if the entire materials are copied and distributed. In the for-profit case, it might be wisest to ask for permission or to link to the documents instead of reproducing them.

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