Illustration editing & copyright

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  • I'm working with an author to illustrate the cover to his book. I'm going to have him sign a contract when I sell my final copy to him for use in publishing. The contract is a form from the internet that states that I reserve all rights of reproduction and all copyrights in the work, and the purchaser will not intentionally disturb the work in any way without my written consent.

    When he sends the work to the publishing house, the outside edges of the drawing may possibly need to be edited down to fit the format of the book cover. Would the publisher/author be required to contact me for permission to do so? What are my rights in the case that the publisher might want to alter some parts of the illustration?

    I've never worked on a commission piece before, and I'm not quite sure what traps or loopholes I might be stepping into.
  • You will probably need to talk to a lawyer who knows something about contracts -- this goes a little beyond just copyright. But I'm glad to see your initial contract allows you to retain copyright and reproduce your own artwork!

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