Incarcerated & end-of-life living? Are they "homes"

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  • It has been my understanding for years that prison inmates can't watch "home use only" videos because the prison is not their permanent address.

    Have their been any changes in the interpretation of the law on that?

    What about people in nursing homes, those who are there for the rest of their lives? What about Hospice homes? What about privately owned hospice care homes?
  • I meant to type "privately owned Alzheimer's care homes."
  • In my own personal opinion, "home use only" doesn't really mean very much. You're not buying a license to watch the movie, you're buying a copy of the movie. I can watch a "home use only" movie in places other than the home. You can probably watch them in libraries. The question would be, when is there a public performance? That's when you might have to get some type of license.

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