short book quotations on library website

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  • To promote our "community reads" selection, I am thinking of posting short quotations from our book (which is copyrighted) and asking questions about the context, to be emailed to us. Correct answers would earn a chance to win a copy of the book.

    I feel relatively comfortable with most Fair Use issues until I get to website issues. So...

    The use is educational/nonprofit
    The work is a creative, published work
    We'll only use a quotation of about a paragraph each time (from a 300+ page book), but we plan to use 12-15 different quotations, changing the excerpt once or twice a week.
    Impact on market would be more positive than negative, I think--we think people may buy the work to join in the community read--however, they will also be able to check it out from the library, and we're planning to give away some copies.

    I will be grateful for your thoughts and opinions.
  • That sounds like a pretty fair use to me. You might just want to have an alternate plan in mind in case you get a take-down notice, though.

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