Copyright vs. Photosuite

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  • It's not really a new photo, and it still belongs to the original copyright holder -- because that's not a transformative re-use. A transformative re-use requires a certain amount of creativity on your part, like using the photo as a reference for a painting, or something like that. And even that's murky -- think about the Shepherd Fairey case, where he used a copyrighted photo of Obama for his Hope campaign poster, and the kerfuffle that caused -- incliuding issues about whether the original photo was a creative work! In fact, if you Google the Fairey case you can probably find some pretty useful dicussions of the concept of transformative use.
  • ty derivative works. Still in some form belongs to the the owner of the original copyright owner and can not be claimed in whole to be definitely my own. that answers my questions thanks for your time. =))

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