Use of images in a wiki

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  • I have a complicated question from an art history professor, so am seeking advice.
    "My question related to whether slides for the course can be accessed online (not on our university's website). The images for this course have been culled from a hundred different sources over the 25 years that I have been teaching it and have never been shown other than in my own classroom. I have never requested permission to use any of them. Many are historical obviously, but many are also shown which represent works done in the past 40 years. Some are contemporary.
    The wiki that I will be using is public, but participation is by invitation. If someone in the general public wanted to badly enough and knew how to, they could dig into the site and possibly locate the place where my image files are kept, but I doubt that could happen easily.
    I have made the slide presentations into grouped collections saved as multi-page files, and placed them on the wiki site that my students will use to view lectures and also to post and view each other's "papers" (writing and images). Because these files are multi-page pdf files made from Powerpoint presentations they are not easily pulled apart in order to "take" a particular image from the rest of the file.
    I'm sure there are hundreds, perhaps thousands of art history courses online. I wonder how other institutions deal with it.

    I know that if these files were all posted on our course management system it wouldn't be an issue, so I could do that, but then the course activities would become separate from the slide viewing access which I would rather not do. Rather than jumping towards that easy answer though, I'd like to know what is possible for keeping the integrity of my wiki environment.
    Probably the same issues will be present for posting images to blogs, and to blog-like servers like Voice Thread."

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