translation on blog

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  • I'd like to begin translating an Italian novel, not translated into English, and would like to post
    chapters of said work on a blog as I work. I'm hoping to show there's interest in the book
    as a means of persuading the publisher to actually publish a hard copy

    Can I do this without risk of a lawsuit? The Italian publisher is Gargoyle books, a small press
    devoted to Gothic stuff. This is a vampire novel HO FREDDO
  • Since it was published in 2008, it's still under copyright. You might be safe to post short passages as a sample, but I'm not familiar with Italian copyright law and whether it includes something parallel to our Fair Use. You might want to contact a librarian in Italy who is familiar with their copyright law. And your best course of action may be to contact the publisher directly and ask them if they would be interested in your translation.

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