Publishing non-copyrighted proceedings in an online journal

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  • A faculty member who edits an online journal has a cooperative arrangement with an association that does not copyright its proceedings so that authors have the opportunity to submit their presentations to other publications. She is wondering where her copyright responsibilities lie. She has received no help from the association on this issue.
  • This sounds a lot like the arrangements I have with authors for the journal I edit. What she needs is a SPARC Addendum compliant author agreement spelling out exactly what uses she/the society will make of the essays -- for example, it will be published in this collection, this edition may be reprinted if needed, the society may eventaully put it on their website, it will be included in such and such database. These agreements will need to be signed and kept on file -- electronic copies are fine. Then two copies of the completed printed item should be sent to the Libray of Congress. If she would like to contact me and get a copy of our agreement and the exact address at LoC, she can write to If this is being published as a stand-alone proceedings and not as part of an existing series, she may also need to get an ISBN, and I can tell her about that too.
  • Thanks for your reply. She is wondering what "not copyrighted" (which she has seen in connection with presentations) means in terms of the author publishing the presentation in another publication. Does it restrict or allow publication? Thank you for your help!
  • Not sure exactly what that may mean. Perhaps the author did the presentation under a Creatice Commons license to allow others to use it? Or was it in a proceedings compilation? Perhaps the proceedings as a whole was not copyrighted and eachhh individual author retained copyright to his or her contribution? i'd need a little more detail on that.

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