Staying out of trouble?

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  • Could you give me your advice on the following questions i have.

    1.) for example, say i read a book and store the notes into a powerpoint. Some text i have taken straight from the book and some i have put in my own words. I'f I wanted to distrubute this powerpoint to others, what options would i need to do in order to make sure i don't get in trouble with copyright?
  • Take a look at for a checklist to help you evaluate your use. I think what you are doing sounds like fair use -- if you are just sharing this with a few people, not charging for it, only quoting portions of the work, and citing it properly so it's clear it's writeen by someone else, you should be fine.
  • What's happening when you click on the link? Another way to get there is, go to
    and click the "Fair Use" link on the left.

    There's also a tool on this site- if you go to, there's a fair use tool on the bottom right.

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