I would like to translate and publish a book from English to my native

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  • I would like to translate and publish a book from English to my native language. I am not aware of the details of a copyright letter. Can you please tell me how a copyright letter should look like and what are all the terms I should look for or expect in the copyright letter?
  • I'm not really clear about what you mean by 'copyright letter'. Do you mean a letter that you will send to the copyright holder requesting permission to perform and publish the translation? If so, you might check the publisher's website--most have either forms or list what they require for permission requests.
    Or where you referring to something else?
  • Precisely in the context of a book translation, I recently posted a question that you might want to take a look at. You would do well to avoid a situation wherein you have the rights to translate but not to publish. If there are no instructions for requesting rights and permission on the publisher's website, just send the publisher and the author an email in which you breifly mention your qualifications (to assure them both that you're actually able to do the job) and request permission. If they require a special form or application, they'll let you know.
  • Quite aware that I'm on here a little late, but I had a similar question to ask concerning translation of published materials. I know that I'm supposed to supply the company (publisher) with a proposition, but I don't know in what context. Should I contact an entertainment lawyer or copyright lawyer? Do they then write up the prospective letter asking (for permission) to translate the publisher's materials? Thanks, all!

    By the way, does anyone know anything about copyright litigation? Just curious! :)
  • Copycat
    Most major publishers have a form or email on their websites for requesting permissions. Even small houses usually have an email contact. Some do require that you send in written requests; others don't. Using a lawyer is entirely at your own discretion. If you are entering into any type of contract negotiations, I personally would take just that route.

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