use of other libraries' videos for classroom showings

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  • Our library belongs to a consortium of academic libraries that share resources within its membership. One of the types of resources we share is videos. Instructors are able to requests these AV materials through the consortium's catalog and often use these videos for classroom showings. Is it a violation of copyright to use other libraries' AV materials for classroom use?
  • Are you talking about physical videos being sent from place to place? If so, there shouldn't be a problem. If you have the video, then the originating library does not have the video. First sale.

    If you're talking about ordering digital video and streaming it or otherwise making it available digitally, or if the originating library is copying the video for you, you have different considerations. The classroom showings is probably okay- if it's a face to face course. What is the situation?
  • I was referring to a "physical" video (VHS or DVD). From what I understand there should be no problem using videos in this format that you acquired through Interlibrary Loan for classroom showings, right? Thank you for the response!

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