need help about unpublished collection of sound recording

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  • hello how is everybody doing today? I've sent in a unpublished collection of 30 of my hip hop beats to the library of congress, which i'm trying to sell to different parties for them to release commercially. My question is how would the party thats purchasing a beat from me will copyright the song they will record using my unpublished beat? which form will the party use to copyright the song they would record with my unpublished beat? would the party hafto indicate the owner of the sound recording on the copyright form or the name of the unpublished collection it is part of?

    If you could answer these questions for me it will be really appreciated. i'm just starting out in
    need of a little help. thank you for your precious time and have a nice day enjoy.
  • You should talk to a lawyer, especially about the licenses that you'll need to create. ^_^
    Hard to tell. A lot of these answers depend on the arrangement that you make with the people purchasing your beats. You own the copyright to your beats. You'll license your beats for use. Users of your beats must agree to your terms to use them. If you say they can own the copyright to the song they create, then they own the copyright to the song they create (but not necessarily your beats themselves). If you say that they have to give you credit or any portion of copyright, then they'll need to do so.

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