Copyright Questions

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Posted by: JPilch
November 1, 2004 @ 5:06pm
It is my understanding that the copryight in dissertations submitted to Proquest/UMI is retained by the author/s. It would not be permissible to reproduce the dissertations in this manner without permission of the copyright holder/s, so you would need to... Read more...
Replies: 1

Making copies of out of print materials

Posted by: COvalle
October 22, 2004 @ 6:12am
If it falls under fair use, then it's not copyright infringement. The "for school use" seems to indicate that it might fall under fair use or other educational exemptions, but you'll need to check on that. Being out of print might also lean more towards... Read more...
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Video performance rights

Posted by: COvalle
October 15, 2004 @ 6:23am
I would guess that you needed to look at the permission that was given to the instructor.
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16mm films and weeding

Posted by: COvalle
October 15, 2004 @ 6:19am
Again, IANAL.

Sounds like a first sale question.
USC 17 subsection 109.
"Notwithstanding the provisions of section 106 (3), the owner of a particular copy or phonorecord lawfully made under this title, or any person... Read more...
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videos for "home use" in schools

Posted by: COvalle
October 15, 2004 @ 6:16am
Fair use by statutory definition is not copyright infringement. If you fall under fair use, you are not violating copyright.

There are also specific exemptions related to the use of copyrighted materials in face to face... Read more...
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Copying container info on DVDs and videos

Posted by: Ann
October 7, 2004 @ 10:19am
I work at a university library. We have our videos and DVDs in closed stacks. To enable our users to browse what we have, we want to photcopy the container sleeves. We will laminate these photocopies and use them as surrogates in a public browsing... Read more...
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Online Adaptation

Posted by: kcoyle
October 6, 2004 @ 8:45am
Have you tried to get permission from the author? I would think that 34% is bordering on "derivative work", but in any case there is an element of courtesy toward the author when you make extensive use of someone else's material. That said, the odds that... Read more...
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Contracts or Agreements on Copyright for Theses or Dissertat

Posted by: LynneGamble
October 1, 2004 @ 10:43am
Does anyone have copyright contracts or agreements that graduate students can use or adapt to their own situations for thesis copyright complications?
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Copying CDs

Posted by: COvalle
September 27, 2004 @ 1:25pm
Whether it's illegal or not depends on the specific circumstances, and as usual you would have to see if it falls under copyright exemptions such as fair use or others. From that information, it is difficult to tell.

The library lends...
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Public Domain Videos

Posted by: JPilch
September 26, 2004 @ 5:23pm
Waltc has given an excellent reply I would just add that yes, it is quite likely that a video or book produced in the 1950s video is still protected. But there is no blanket yes or no answer here-- each video needs to be looked up individually. You might... Read more...
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Replacement copies of videos

Posted by: JPilch
September 26, 2004 @ 4:54pm
It seems to me that you are perfectly justified in your actions, under Section 108 of the U.S. Copyright Act which provides a limitation for the benefit of libraries and archives, covering several aspects of library activity, including preservation and... Read more...
Replies: 2

solution manual and publisher against putting on reserve

Posted by: BAustin
September 17, 2004 @ 4:07pm
Hi Steve,

If I'm reading this right and it's a print copy of the manual/text that has been purchased by the professor, the publisher doesn't have a leg to stand on. First sale allows the prof to place the material on reserve if he/she... Read more...
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Table of Contents programs-TOCs and requested articles

Posted by: Carrie
September 17, 2004 @ 1:22pm
I am not sure about the TOC part of your question. If the TOCs are acquired thru a license agreement, the license terms could provide a clue.
I wonder if the TOC database is searchable by your patrons, and if you provide the TOCs to faculty as a... Read more...
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archiving lending copies

Posted by: Carrie
September 17, 2004 @ 12:45pm
As far as I know, the copyright law doesn't say anything about this type of situation, but as I have mentioned in other posts, there is a trend (in the law and in certain comments and rulings coming out of the Copyright Office) towards giving "more"... Read more...
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"Ownership" of digital copies and sec. 108

Posted by: Carrie
September 17, 2004 @ 12:32pm
My thinking is this:
If someone gave you a book, you would own that copy. You could use that copy and exercise copyright exemptions. One assumes that the same would be true for digital files.

However, the Copyright Office...
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Can I accept a donated medical journal from a staff member?

Posted by: dan
September 16, 2004 @ 3:02pm
Peggy is right. Sec. 109 gives the owner the right to dispose of his/her copy as s/he sees fit, including donating it to a library. However, publishers often restrict this option in the subscription "contract." So your staff member should look there to... Read more...
Replies: 3

French and International Copyright

Posted by: JPilch
September 9, 2004 @ 4:45pm
The most authoritative English version I know is linked from the UNESCO website, to Terms of duration are stipulated in Articles L123-1 through L123-5. The basic copyright term in France is... Read more...
Replies: 2


Posted by: Carrie
September 3, 2004 @ 11:48am
There is no exemption on the copyright law that allows libraries the right to make copies of materials "in case" they get damaged or stolen.

I'm not sure where the idea came from that libraries could make copies of videos or CDs and... Read more...
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Photographing a library's circulating art

Posted by: Carrie
September 1, 2004 @ 2:20pm
here's my take on your questions.

Making a copy of any work covered by copyright (including art works and prints) is exercising the exclusive right of reproduction and is infringing unless excused by some copyright exemption like fair... Read more...
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Agreement to use copyrighted materials.

Posted by: Carrie
September 1, 2004 @ 2:07pm
Are you talking about permission letters? If so, there are scads of
excellent examples on various web sites. Crews, Gasaway, Georgia Harper, Peggy Hoon - any of their materials would be excellent to refer to and all readily available on the web.
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Coursepack on a CD for distance education

Posted by: Carrie
September 1, 2004 @ 1:44pm
Sounds like an excellent plan. The preparatory remarks that will be included with the loaned CD are great.

Score one for the instructor!
Replies: 4

Tracking A Defunct Publisher

Posted by: dan
August 31, 2004 @ 1:56pm
A faculty member wants to use a portion of a book published by Henry Schumann in 1952. The publisher does claim copyright. I can't find any trace of them. Does anybody have any idea who owns their assets now?

Replies: 4

performance rights for student-run film series?

Posted by: aleonard
August 31, 2004 @ 9:09am

I am a librarian, but I post this in my capacity as a graduate student. I am hoping to sponsor a fim series in the department in which I am studying. What are the performance rights issues? The film series would fulfil... Read more...
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unpublished public domain

Posted by: JPilch
August 25, 2004 @ 12:36pm
Do you mean works created before January 1, 1978 but not published, many of which entered the public domain on January 1, 2003? I don’t have any experience with this, but as long as you are sure that the work is in the public domain on the basis of... Read more...
Replies: 6

Article repositories

Posted by: dan
August 25, 2004 @ 9:20am
Isn't such an archive of legally acquired materials usually called a library? Sure the library is distributed throughout the organization, but from a copyright perspective it sounds like the same thing to me.

And if you pay for every...
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Showing 40 of 41 pages