Copyright Questions

Showing 38 of 41 pages

Copyright Scholar Program

Posted by: Carrie
July 15, 2005 @ 12:43pm
Hello all.

The OITP Copyright Advsiory Committee is starting a new program to improve and then fully launch the Copyright Advisory Network. For over
a year, we have been in a semi-test phase with the Network -- we have not... Read more...
Replies: 1

Using licensed cartoon characters in library story times

Posted by: COvalle
July 15, 2005 @ 5:25am
First one's easy- you probably wouldn't be violating copyright law by mentioning the characters. Names aren't copyrightable. You probably wouldn't be violating trademark law, either, since you're not using the names for a commercial use, and in fact are... Read more...
Replies: 1

Music Copyright from Asia?

Posted by: COvalle
July 11, 2005 @ 5:10pm
I don't quite understand your question, sorry. ^_^
IANAL, here goes...

There's no such thing exactly as an "international copyright," but treaties do exist across countries related to how they treat each other's...
Replies: 1

Can any one Rent his DVDs to others ?

Posted by: COvalle
July 9, 2005 @ 6:30am
[quote]I thought that these people pays different fees to the DVD's producers
and accordingly they can rent their DVDs
So by what you are saying that it is legal for me to buy 1000000 of DVDs and open my rental shop. is that right ?
Replies: 11

E-Learning course based on a copyrighted book

Posted by: AFry
July 7, 2005 @ 11:12am
I have a short answer and a long answer. I don't have time for the long answer right now.

The short answer: You can avoid all legal and ethical dilemmas by making the book a required purchase for your students.
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Modifying an existing copyrighted logo Help

Posted by: COvalle
July 1, 2005 @ 10:45pm
There's no magic number that tells you if you're violating laws or not. You can violate laws with 15% or 50% or whatever. A court decides in the long run.

For copyright, you need to look at copyright exemptions. In this case probably... Read more...
Replies: 1

Can Posts On A Message Board Be Copyright?

Posted by: AFry
June 30, 2005 @ 6:45am
I think you are asking the wrong question.
Can the posts on a public accessed message copyrighted?In the U.S., a post on a message board is protected by copyright.

However, I think what you really want to know is if...
Replies: 1

Comic containing photos of copyrighted figurines

Posted by: COvalle
June 28, 2005 @ 9:15pm
I'm not a lawyer; this isn't legal advice. It sounds like you might want to consider talking to a lawyer about this subject soon... I wanted to mention a few things.

As far as copyright, the company could argue that the toys sculptural...
Replies: 5

Copyright on Public Domain Art found in other sources.

Posted by: AFry
June 28, 2005 @ 11:03am
Can I freely copy, even for financial gain, artwork that is in the public domain even if it is found in a modern copyrighted source?

I believe that what I am going to tell you is correct, but I am not 100% certain.

Replies: 3

Copyright Positions

Posted by: AFry
June 28, 2005 @ 5:27am
The only person that I know of in such a position is Kenneth D. Crews who is the director of the Copyright Management Center for IUPUI, the Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis Campus.

His bio:...
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Posted by: COvalle
June 21, 2005 @ 10:43am
The links on the right side of this page- particularly "Copyright Issues" under "ALA Pages"- have copyright related materials that are presented and linked in an organized fashion.
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Peculiar attribution question

Posted by: COvalle
June 17, 2005 @ 1:21pm
Not a lawyer either, but on a related note- the right of attribution is generally part of the "moral rights" that an author may have in their work. In the US, this right is not explicitly codified in copyright except in limited ways (the VARA act)....
Replies: 6

How can librarians help clients with copyright?

Posted by: AFry
June 17, 2005 @ 11:28am
I cannot adequately answer your questions without writing several pages. I'm not going to do that.

Here are some brief responses that partially answer your questions. I hope you find them useful.

How do librarians...
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Message Board and Copyright

Posted by: AFry
June 9, 2005 @ 9:00am
does a user who posts a message retain copyright protection

Absolutely, unless explicitly licensed.

does copyright law support a user who demands removal of their posted messages?

I don't think...
Replies: 2

Question on royalties from licensing of master recording

Posted by: AFry
June 9, 2005 @ 6:52am
I am not a lawyer. Although I know something about copyright law as it pertains to this situation, I do not consider myself an expert on the topic. However, only a handful of people, maybe less, answer questions on this board, so I'll provide whatever... Read more...
Replies: 5

how to get music copyrighted

Posted by: COvalle
June 6, 2005 @ 9:18am
Assuming we're talking about the US, your music is copyrighted as soon as it is fixed in some form of expression. Your composition is copyrighted when it is written, and your performance is copyrighted when it is recorded. You do not need to do anything... Read more...
Replies: 1

Using Real-Life information in Fiction

Posted by: COvalle
June 6, 2005 @ 9:16am
You're probably not going to run into copyright law problems for real-life names and likenesses. What you will run into are trademark problems and problems associated with using real names such as defamation and publicization. Those are definitely... Read more...
Replies: 1

Paying CCC for permission to add article to Vertical File

Posted by: lizzhu72
May 27, 2005 @ 6:29am
This is probably a stupid question -- or at least maybe a no-brainer to those who are more familiar with copyright:

Someone wants me to ILL an article, and then pay CCC for permission to add the article into our Vertical File collection... Read more...
Replies: 1

Church Web Streaming Issues

Posted by: AFry
May 24, 2005 @ 8:55am
Although I am not absolutely certain, I believe that there is only one way to "be 100% legal": get permission from the copyright holders of all the music and lyrics. If ASCAP and BMI are the copyright holders of everything, ask them if your situation is... Read more...
Replies: 1

Can a downloaded score be added to a library collection

Posted by: dan
May 23, 2005 @ 2:49pm
Why not just link from your catalog to the free version on the web?

Replies: 5

Music Video

Posted by: dan
May 23, 2005 @ 2:33pm
Using most any portion of these songs is pretty clearly infringing. If a listener can come to your site to hear the song anytime s/he pleases, then s/he doesn't need to buy the song. There is indeed a negative efect on the market. Trust me, you will... Read more...
Replies: 8

Using Open Book or other software to read textbooks aloud

Posted by: AFry
May 22, 2005 @ 5:49am
If we have a volunteer record a tape, that's not OK unless we have special permission from the copyright owner.

Why do you say this? I don't believe it is true. The government, not the copyright owner, gets to determine what is... Read more...
Replies: 1

Legal methods for image protection

Posted by: AFry
May 20, 2005 @ 8:05am
I think I understand what you want to do now. You are trying to protect the pictures not the logo. You want to prevent me from selling the same product using your images.

If what I just said is correct, I believe that what you want to... Read more...
Replies: 1

embed logo into a product photo

Posted by: AFry
May 20, 2005 @ 7:46am
I answered this question on your other thread:

Since I didn't understand your question the first time, I deleted my original response on this thread.
Replies: 1

Using prayers from a copywrited book in a chuch cookb

Posted by: COvalle
May 17, 2005 @ 7:42am
I'd agree with Alfred- your use would probably be considered fair IMHO. However, the concern you'll probably have is, since the publisher is aware of the project, if the publisher believes that using the material is not fair and will sue. Even if your... Read more...
Replies: 4
Showing 38 of 41 pages