Copyright Questions

Showing 31 of 41 pages

digitizing Video Collection

Posted by: COvalle
October 19, 2006 @ 9:44am
You cannot assume that. If the video tapes are available in any non-obsolete format, including VHS, then you probably don't meet the requirements for section 108 copying.
Replies: 2

Q: Getting permission to use photos...

Posted by: GClement
October 17, 2006 @ 8:55am
Responding to your Q2, you do not need to get permission from the web site which is currently displaying the owner's photos as long as the property owner did not transfer any rights to his or her photos to that web site. It would be helpful to know the... Read more...
Replies: 2

purchased mailing lists or labels

Posted by: RDavis
October 11, 2006 @ 7:57am
I'm not sure what you mean. Are you referring to the database of individual's names/addresses included in the mailing list, or are you referring to the graphic design of custom mailing labels?

If the former, I think I'd be more concerned... Read more...
Replies: 1

Custom solutions to questions in text books.

Posted by: RDavis
October 5, 2006 @ 6:32pm

The answers provided in the earlier discussion that you mentioned (the thread started by pencho) apply here as well. If the textbook that you or the members of your proposed online community provide solutions for is a... Read more...
Replies: 6

Are math questions available on the internet copyright protected?

Posted by: williamsonl
October 3, 2006 @ 7:01am
There was a long discussion about a similar question on this website. See the question posted by pencho and all the answers posted. You can seach by author and this should get you that discussion.

Numbers and simple math problems...
Replies: 5

Public Domain and Government Publications

Posted by: elizdav72
September 26, 2006 @ 8:03am
I *think* I know the answer to this one, but I wanted to get some other opinions just in case.

I recently received a government publication through interlibrary loan from another library (requested by one of my patrons). It was published... Read more...
Replies: 4

encyclopedia -- public domain

Posted by: GClement
September 22, 2006 @ 8:27am
Looking at your question from a librarian's viewpoint (and not from a lawyer's), the copyright status of an Encyclopedia would depend on the nature and ownership of its contents and how and when the Encylopedia and its contents were registered for... Read more...
Replies: 2

recreating known pin-up paintings through the medium of photography

Posted by: ksmith
September 18, 2006 @ 5:51pm
When deciding whether or not a subsequent work infringes an earlier work, there are two elements the courts look for -- ownership of a valid copyright and copying of the protected expression.

To decide if there has been copying, the...
Replies: 1


Posted by: ksmith
September 13, 2006 @ 2:02pm
I can see at least three different issues in YD's question.

Defamation law (libel and slander) is state law, so it will vary a bit around the country. But the Supreme Court, in the name of free speech, has raised a pretty high bar for... Read more...
Replies: 3

Music on ereserve

Posted by: CStewart
September 13, 2006 @ 1:37pm
Just chiming in that I agree TEACH is not as useful in this case as we might wish. We don't apply TEACH at our institution, relying instead on a fair use analysis. And I just wanted to agree with the Music Library Association's interpretation (see the... Read more...
Replies: 9

Section 108 & recorded music

Posted by: CStewart
September 13, 2006 @ 1:31pm
This is one that crossed my desk recently ... a patron requested that the library make a copy (in this case a copy to audio CD) of a 1953 musical recording on LP. The work appears to be out of print. Let's assume the work is under copyright.
Replies: 4

Works published outside the US

Posted by: COvalle
September 13, 2006 @ 7:30am
Right. Basically, you follow the laws of the country the copyright-related action takes place in. When in Rome, you do as the Romans. When in the US, you follow US copyright law. International copyright usually requires domestic legislation to be enacted.
Replies: 2

Educational displays/performances from copies "not lawfully made"

Posted by: RDavis
September 10, 2006 @ 10:33am
I hesitate to begin yet another thread on Sec. 110, but I'm honestly not looking to start an argument! I'm just hoping to get a survey of opinions, and I expect that many of these may differ from my own.

I'm wondering how others interpret...
Replies: 2

Using recorded music

Posted by: RDavis
September 7, 2006 @ 2:23pm
Unless your use of the music can be defended as fair use, it's possible that your use infringes the rights to the musical compositions as well as the sound recordings involved. Whether or not you can claim fair use is going to depend on several factors --... Read more...
Replies: 1

Digitalizing video collection in a school library

Posted by: MKardick
September 6, 2006 @ 5:35pm
While the advice given here should by no means be considered a legal opinion the answer is probably not. Unless the videos are damaged, not available on DVD or the copyright has lapsed, there is not a valid reason for you to alter the original medium of... Read more...
Replies: 1

DVD's of school musicals

Posted by: williamsonl
September 5, 2006 @ 11:27am
Unless specifically stated, I would not assume that the rights are included. Dramatists Play Svc. says plainly that they do not control this right, only performance when you license from them. In fact, at our community theater, they specifically... Read more...
Replies: 1

Finding the Copyright holder of a movie?

Posted by: williamsonl
September 5, 2006 @ 7:13am
There is a contact listed at They have an email address for stage and performance rights. They can probably tell you who is licensed for what.
If you want to use any of the music from the movie, that is generally a... Read more...
Replies: 6

Which copyright form do I use for floral arrangement designs?

Posted by: ksmith
September 1, 2006 @ 1:20pm
It seems to me that you should use Form VA, which includes three dimensional works of the applied arts. Was there some other form that seemed appropriate to you?

When you fill out the form, please note the stated limitations on... Read more...
Replies: 2

ebooks on reserve

Posted by: BAustin
August 28, 2006 @ 12:38pm
We routinely place Netlibrary items on reserve. As noted by folks above, there is an authentication process built in and (in addition) the Netlibrary model only allows one user at a time to "check out" the item. It really is pretty much like placing a... Read more...
Replies: 4

Sports Statistics - In particular Greyhounds & Horses

Posted by: RDavis
August 21, 2006 @ 7:18pm
There is a pending lawsuit against Major League Baseball here in the U.S. regarding the copyrightability of sports statistics. I too don't know how relevant this will ultimately be to UK law, but here's an informative article on the topic: [|n|n|]... Read more...
Replies: 4

Disney Birthday Banner

Posted by: williamsonl
August 17, 2006 @ 7:40am
Disney is notorious for agressively pursuing copyright on its products. There are many stories about Disney coming into a school with paint cans and painting over Disney characters on the wall, suing people for showing a Disney movie at a private... Read more...
Replies: 2

Old artwork

Posted by: RDavis
August 14, 2006 @ 7:37pm
I'm really glad this question was raised and hope others will also chime in, because I admit to being somewhat mystified myself!

My take on this is that the originality that arises from such things as camera angle, lighting, depth of... Read more...
Replies: 5

Programming the Same Program

Posted by: COvalle
August 7, 2006 @ 8:28am
Software is complex. You've brought up several issues, so if you could be a bit more clear that would be helpful.

Assume you have a digital image generated by a software program. The software code and the image are both copyrighted... Read more...
Replies: 4

Journals in the public domain: copyright of t. of c.? Fair use? &etc.

Posted by: COvalle
August 7, 2006 @ 8:25am
I'll extend a little bit- fair use may apply to some uses in coursepacks, depending on the situation, but usually probably won't cover a complete article coursepacks used regularly.
Replies: 2

The War Prayer by Mark Twain

Posted by: RDavis
August 3, 2006 @ 7:47pm
The critical question here, I believe, is whether or not the 1923 publication contained a notice of copyright and, if so, whether or not the copyright was renewed when it initally expired. Unfortunately, it isn't always easy to determine whether... Read more...
Replies: 1
Showing 31 of 41 pages