Copyright Questions

Showing 34 of 41 pages

Copy pictures with permission, I enhance them, are they mine

Posted by: JMiller
March 23, 2006 @ 6:13pm

I'm not sure there's a definitive answer to your question -- as a lot of lawyers would say, "it depends." One of the exclusive rights of copyright is the right to make derivative works. If your friend gave you permission to... Read more...
Replies: 4

Instructional videos

Posted by: williamsonl
March 22, 2006 @ 8:34am
As long as you do not include any of the original video or accompanying music, I don't believe there would be any problem with you making your own. Yoga movements have been around for hundreds of years and I can't see that there would be any restrictions... Read more...
Replies: 1

Website Fee for Accessing Linked Info

Posted by: JMiller
March 21, 2006 @ 9:59am
If you copy other people's writing, even a job description, then you very well might be violating their copyright. If you are just providing links to job descriptions on other pages, then this does not violate copyright law. Could you summarize the jobs... Read more...
Replies: 1

old photos and ephemera

Posted by: COvalle
March 21, 2006 @ 8:08am
Note that the report is not law yet, and does not actually offer safety until the recommendations are written into law. It would probably still be a good idea to follow their guidelines, but it doesn't quite protect you yet.
Replies: 4

WPA Writers Project materials

Posted by: JMiller
March 20, 2006 @ 6:59pm
Hi jwbkmn,

Do you have the actual leaflets? Is there a copyright notice indicated anywhere? I don't know specifically about these historical leaflets, but after doing some online searching, it appears that at least some of the WPA works... Read more...
Replies: 4

Using web images on my blogsite

Posted by: COvalle
March 16, 2006 @ 3:25pm
Both of these questions will probably rely on the context of the situation.

Images on the web are likely protected by copyright. You are potentially infringing on copyright if you use images you find online on your own site. There are... Read more...
Replies: 2

Using Rhapsody in public libraries

Posted by: COvalle
March 13, 2006 @ 6:59am
Interesting question. For this specific situation, I would say that it is probably not likely to be able to take those actions because it would seem to go against the terms of service.

If the library received a CD that was legitimately... Read more...
Replies: 1

Question for Nexis users

Posted by: RDavis
March 10, 2006 @ 11:36am

I believe this is going to be determined by the terms and conditions in the license agreement that govern your use of Nexis more than it will by copyright law. License agreements fall under contract law, and as such they... Read more...
Replies: 1

ILL - Special Issue Journals and CCL

Posted by: RDavis
March 8, 2006 @ 10:42am
I'm also no expert on ILL, but I'll take a stab at this.

Yes, sec. 108(d) of copyright law says that this exemption applies to a copy "of no more than one article or other contribution to a copyrighted collection or periodical issue."... Read more...
Replies: 5

Podcasts and copyright

Posted by: elizabethH
March 7, 2006 @ 2:48pm
Our Faculty Development Center is doing some workshops on podcasting lectures, and some questions about copyright are arising.
1. Is copyright violated if a professor uses copyright material in the classroom and then creates a (video/audio) and... Read more...
Replies: 3

Another Copyright Question

Posted by: COvalle
March 7, 2006 @ 1:48pm
I have a bit of a different take about the copyright issues here. I do agree with the initial fair use analyses. For your possible revised plan, my first question is, is what you are doing infringing on copyright? If not, we do not need to rely on fair... Read more...
Replies: 9

textile screen printing equipment

Posted by: nickiemae
March 5, 2006 @ 7:08pm
Check this link! I bought my textile equipments from here..

Also, these..
Replies: 1

copying content from unsolicited emails

Posted by: RDavis
March 4, 2006 @ 7:36pm

As far as I'm aware, no such implied license exists in relation to mass-distributed e-mails. Maybe there's something in the case law that would qualify that statement, but I'm personally not aware of it.

Replies: 2

Scanning books for classroom presentations

Posted by: JMiller
March 1, 2006 @ 6:10pm

It seems to me that this falls under the guidelines of Section 110 of the US Copyright Law (

I would argue that it is almost certainly legal to copy (scan)... Read more...
Replies: 3

Off-Air TV Recordings

Posted by: JMiller
March 1, 2006 @ 5:46pm

Although there are specific federal guidelines dealing with off-air recording (see this circular from the Copyright Office:, or if you don't like PDF, PBS offers a good explanation:... Read more...
Replies: 3

selling origami & food made with copyrighted recipes

Posted by: JMiller
March 1, 2006 @ 5:32pm

That's an interesting question. First of all, I don't think the analogy to recipes is necessarily a good one. Recipes cannot be copyrighted. Compilations of recipes, layout of design, etc., can all receive copyright protection, but... Read more...
Replies: 2

Art related question

Posted by: JMiller
February 28, 2006 @ 2:33pm

It sounds like the drawings you make of photographs would fall into the "derivative works" category of rights protected by copyright. Therefore, unless you are making substantial changes from the photos in your sketches,... Read more...
Replies: 3

Art related question

Posted by: Tarantulady
February 28, 2006 @ 1:28pm
I draw pencil sketches (by hand) of animals from photos. Most of the time owners submit their photos to me so I have their permission, but what about if I find a general photo on the web and then draw it by hand. Is that an infringement?
Replies: 0

A few questions about art-related copyrights

Posted by: COvalle
February 27, 2006 @ 8:18am
Interesting questions.

First, you do not need to go through any formalities (such as registering) for you to have copyright in a work. As soon as the work is expressed and "fixed" in some way, you have copyright in the work. You can go... Read more...
Replies: 4

Music recordings in the public domain

Posted by: COvalle
February 27, 2006 @ 7:57am
The term listed in the article is accurate, but there are some qualifications. The status of pre1972 sound recordings, in particular, has some difficulties because of a case in New York which stated that such sound recordings could be protected by common... Read more...
Replies: 10

How do I prove it's a legal copy?

Posted by: MFakouri
February 25, 2006 @ 9:47am
Hi, HapkidoDragon.

You posed many questions in your email. I'm just going to address your last paragraph here. You wrote:

Also what about DVD's that you purchase that have no marking on them whatsoever? Case in point....
Replies: 1

Using (C) material in non-educational non-commercial work

Posted by: COvalle
February 24, 2006 @ 8:35am
Sorry for the short reply- I will look at fair use issues later, but we'd need to know more information to evaluate fair use.

I wouldn't use the music, personally, because the risk of a lawsuit with commercially available music is... Read more...
Replies: 3

Copyright of scanned public domain works

Posted by: COvalle
February 24, 2006 @ 8:30am
First, I am not a lawyer. ^^

This is something of a complex issue.

If the object is in the public domain, then a copy that is an exact reproduction, with no creative element, is likely to also be in the public... Read more...
Replies: 5

privately owned videos in the classroom

Posted by: JMiller
February 22, 2006 @ 12:15pm

I believe all of these cases are covered under Section 110 of the US Copyright Law, Exemption of Certain Performances and Displays ( As long as the videos were obtained legally,... Read more...
Replies: 6

Question regarding Mickey Mouse/ disney characters

Posted by: JMiller
February 22, 2006 @ 12:00pm

If I were you I would do some research on trademark law and the rights confered upon trademark owners. The Disney characters are indeed protected by trademarks (I don't think copyright applies to your situation) and the Walt... Read more...
Replies: 3
Showing 34 of 41 pages