Copyright Questions

Showing 41 of 41 pages

ITIL Content

Posted by: Carrie
August 23, 2004 @ 1:55pm
I don't know anything about this. I hope others share their experiences.
Replies: 1

putting media collection materials online?

Posted by: Carrie
August 23, 2004 @ 1:54pm
I tend to think you are crossing the line. It sounds like the faculty want the DVDs available "just in case" they might need them. It's not really a teaching decision to use the work, it's a maybe.

If teachers want to use a video or...
Replies: 3

Fair Use of cartoons

Posted by: Carrie
August 23, 2004 @ 1:44pm
From my perspective (not legal advice), I would evaluate your use by considering the four factors of fair use (section 107).

Factor one: purpose of the use.

It sounds like you are using the cartoons for educational... Read more...
Replies: 3

UCITA states

Posted by: Carrie
August 18, 2004 @ 2:45pm
Yes, only Maryland and Virginia have passed UCITA. But that may not mean much because licenses crafted in other states could list Maryland and Virginia as the choice of forum for any litigation (unless of course, the state has "bomb shelter" legislation... Read more...
Replies: 1

How valid is Circular 21?

Posted by: Carrie
August 18, 2004 @ 2:40pm
Circular 21 is "sort of" valid. Guidelines (that are included in Circular 21) are not the law as we know but many universities and schools use the guidelines to help them make fair use decisions. People like them because they are cut and dried. People... Read more...
Replies: 1

One Article per Issue

Posted by: rhousewright
August 18, 2004 @ 10:20am
Beth: I have split this off into a new topic. Please, if you are changing topics of conversation in a thread, start a new one by coming to the forum main menu and choosing 'new topic', and not through posting a reply. Thanks!
Replies: 2

acquisition use of book cover images

Posted by: rhousewright
August 18, 2004 @ 10:19am
Well, there's a couple different things going on here. Titles, typically, cannot be copyrighted. Book *covers*, however, can absolutely be (think especially of the covers of fiction books which may have original artwork, etc). I've asked a couple of... Read more...
Replies: 6


Posted by: ross
August 17, 2004 @ 2:45pm
So, a few people have asked me about an RSS feed for the Network. There in fact is one, located at . It doesn't work so terribly well with the forum paradigm, but it is a useful tool to alert... Read more...
Replies: 1

quoting from letters in an archival collection

Posted by: JPilch
August 15, 2004 @ 12:32pm
If you intend to quote beyond what would seem reasonable under fair use, then you should seek permission from the copyright holder, whether you are using the original letters or copies. The copyright holder to the original letters and to any copies of... Read more...
Replies: 1

Public domain texts marketed to schools and libraries

Posted by: COvalle
August 14, 2004 @ 7:01am also mentions this on the August 6th entry.
Replies: 1

Posted by: COvalle
August 14, 2004 @ 6:59am
It can violate student copyright, and there are some privacy issues as well. Turnitin's licensing policy was somewhat problematic. (Their license is available online at their website under the legal section- look at copyright and archiving in particular.)... Read more...
Replies: 4

Audio Lectures & Streaming Servers

Posted by: kcarter2
August 13, 2004 @ 7:20am
A faculty member here at the college has placed on reserve a sound recording of a 45 minute lecture delivered by another prominent environemtalist. She'd like to upload the content onto our streaming server and have students in her class access it... Read more...
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For-profit educational institution

Posted by: Carrie
August 11, 2004 @ 2:47pm
The non-profit educational institution is really special status in the copyright law. Most of the exemptions in copyright law have the "non-profit" condition as a pre-requisite to exercising an exclusive right.

But fair use still exists...
Replies: 5

Electronic ILL & Licenses

Posted by: TrishaDavis
August 11, 2004 @ 12:03pm
Hi Catherine -

You certainly cannot certify that the borrowing library will take the required actions, so the main issue is this: Does the license require you to take responsibility for the borrowing library's actions? I doubt it... Read more...
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CCC and unclaimed ILL copies

Posted by: mbelvadi
August 10, 2004 @ 3:36pm
We currently have a policy of simply absorbing the total CCC cost for ILL articles that go over the "5 in 5" rule for a title.

We sometimes have patrons request articles that they then don't bother to pick up (or retrieve online if... Read more...
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copyright policies for personal printing service at a colleg

Posted by: lkram
August 10, 2004 @ 2:30pm
In addition to offering copying services to College Faculty and Staff to support classroom needs, our College is planning to offer PERSONAL copying services to staff and students for a fee.

This will be the first time the College Copy... Read more...
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Institutional Repository Copyright Infringement Liability

Posted by: Carrie
August 9, 2004 @ 11:49am
I think that the copyright holder who makes the claim of infringement can sue whomever he chooses. My assumption is that the holder would want to be able to make a good argument. The holder would have to prove that the infringement occurred (which if I... Read more...
Replies: 2

copying PDFs of state docs into catalog

Posted by: Carrie
August 9, 2004 @ 11:40am
Could you just provide a link from your catalog record to the original state govt site?

I would not assume that just because the state govt placed the documents on a freely accessible web site that they are not claiming copyright... Read more...
Replies: 3


Posted by: Carrie
August 9, 2004 @ 11:17am
I'll take a stab at this but would be interested in what others think.

It's hard to know what the copyright holder had in mind when he said that
pages could be reproduced for classroom use. I read the message as indicating... Read more...
Replies: 4

Digitizing articles for intranet

Posted by: susanls
August 6, 2004 @ 1:16pm

We are moving to a new building and have a mandate to reduce the paper clutter in our offices. Of course the first thing our research staff think of is digitizing their collections of journal articles. This has raised the... Read more...
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Writing copyright policy

Posted by: sblock
August 6, 2004 @ 8:01am
I work at a community college library that is also joint use with a university. The community college institution does not have a copyright policy but is growing in it's distance learning program. Over the years, I've brought them information on copyright... Read more...
Replies: 2

news programming recorded off-air

Posted by: phoon
August 5, 2004 @ 10:12am
Yes, see Section 108 (f)(3). The library has to meet the requirements of 108(a)(1),(2), and (3) [reproduction and distribution is made without any purpose of direct or indirect commercial advantage; collections of library open to the public or to... Read more...
Replies: 2

ILL Rights in License Agreements

Posted by: phoon
August 5, 2004 @ 9:54am
The library's rights under Section 108 (which is where ILL derives from) and Section 107 (fair use) - as well as all other Title 17 (Copyright Act) provisions exist whether or not they are explicitly stated. BUT - you can contract away those rights via a... Read more...
Replies: 1

favorite copyright resources?

Posted by: ross
August 2, 2004 @ 1:20pm
Anyone have any suggestions of good and generally useful copyright resources that might be useful to link to in the sidebar? Basically, anything that seems like it would be a valuable general reference that would come up often... I'd like to have some...
Replies: 4

fair use of videos

Posted by: ross
August 2, 2004 @ 8:54am
I would take some issue with the suggestion that *no* 'remixing' be allowed... Using short segments of a video in a way that you believe would qualify as fair use sounds fine, in my (admittedly amateur and oftentimes not-so-conservative) opinion. You...
Replies: 8
Showing 41 of 41 pages