Copyright Questions

Showing 9 of 41 pages

streaming video

Posted by: Carrie
March 14, 2016 @ 11:14am
Can streamed video content from such services as Netflix, Hulu, Amazon Prime be shown in school?
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Best Buy purchases

Posted by: Carrie
March 14, 2016 @ 11:13am
Can commercial DVD's bought from such places as best buy be used at school?
Replies: 1

using music in Power Point

Posted by: Carrie
March 14, 2016 @ 11:13am
Are they any restriction on using copy righted music in the classroom or embedded in PowerPoint or
smartboard presentations?
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streaming video

Posted by: Carrie
March 14, 2016 @ 11:12am
Can streamed Video content from such services as Netflix, Hulu, Amazon Prime be shown in School?
Replies: 1

supplemental texts

Posted by: Carrie
March 14, 2016 @ 11:11am
Is it legal to use "supplemental" texts that are printed out and then copied (short stories, poems, articles, etc.), in their entirety, from an online source? (We do this all the time in English classrooms.)
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google images

Posted by: Carrie
March 14, 2016 @ 11:10am
Is it legal to copy pictures from a Google Image search and paste them into a handout for classes (for example, reading a NYT article on the Zimmerman trial, and searching for pictures of both Zimmerman and Martin to include in the reading to supplement... Read more...
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Special needs student

Posted by: Carrie
March 14, 2016 @ 11:09am
Can I use a scanned image from a book to create my an adapted book for a special education student?
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Is the metro design developed by Microsoft copyrighted ?

Posted by: flashgroove
March 10, 2012 @ 8:50am

I have recently read a few articles about the upcoming Windows 8 and it's metro design and I was wondering one thing:

Is this metro design that Microsoft developed copyrighted ?

(Can an interface...
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Does copyright still apply when holder no longer exists

Posted by: JanetCroft
February 29, 2012 @ 4:05pm
What you have there is an orphan item -- and US law still hasn't found the ideal way to deal with those. You might check with a business library to see if National Sales Executives changed their name or were absorbed into another company or organization....
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wearing a slogan t shirt on an album cover...?

Posted by: powpowmeow
February 29, 2012 @ 6:20am

Not even sure if this slogan is trademarked et al, not sure if it matters...

Is there potential for legal problems wearing a t shirt like this in...
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Using copywritten material in a web commerce demo

Posted by: williamsonl
February 27, 2012 @ 8:28am
I'm not really clear on what you are doing here. Are you using their logos? If so, that falls under trademark law and it could be a problem. Are you using computer images? Couldn't you find free ones to use instead if it's just photos of computers or... Read more...
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Screenshots and linking

Posted by: JanetCroft
February 23, 2012 @ 1:01pm
You never need permission to link. A screenshot is more problematic; I think a Fair Use analysis is your best bet there. If you are just using it as an example and if it's fairly low-res, you're probably safe.
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What do I have to do to make sure it is all legal?

Posted by: JanetCroft
February 20, 2012 @ 12:51pm
That's a trademark question, not a copyright question. But I would think with a car, where it will be nearly constantly on view in public, it would be risky to do this when there are already commercial decals you can buy. If you were altering them in some... Read more...
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United States copy[rite] finally comes of age at supreme Court...

Posted by: CurtisNeeley
February 4, 2012 @ 10:25am
In 1790 Nolan Webster desired that wealthy colonial parents with children would use books written in "colonial" English instead of using textbooks imported from Great Britain as many of the wealthy often were already doing.

Noel Webster...
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schoolwide license to allow us to post music mash-ups on website

Posted by: williamsonl
January 26, 2012 @ 10:17am
These type of agencies offer performance rights, not distribution or recording. It's possible that these posting might also fall under fair use. Is it a transformative use? Is it a parody? Do you need to post the entire song or would a clip work just as... Read more...
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Copyright rules for movies dvd covers and posters

Posted by: williamsonl
January 26, 2012 @ 10:09am
This should fall under fair use argument easily. The only issue, possibly, might be if you are selling advertisement or somehow making a commercial venture. This is not saying you still couldn't be sued or receive a C&D letter, but that's a matter of risk... Read more...
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One book in two languages

Posted by: drnick
January 18, 2012 @ 8:14am
Hi, folks,

I am writing a book which has two versions: one Chinese version and one English version.

My question is: can I submit them to two different publishers? The Chinese version to a
publisher in China and...
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Selling Original Michael Jackson Poem/Pic

Posted by: Freya Anderson
January 17, 2012 @ 5:00pm
I think that the main issue with this would be dealing with the right of publicity or personality, rather than copyright. I'm not an expert in those, but my understanding is that they vary from state to state, with some states not offering that right at... Read more...
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DVD duplication

Posted by: williamsonl
January 4, 2012 @ 12:51pm
I don't really see how that would be a good fair use case. That would be like making a copy of a book for two people to use instead of buying a second copy. If I want to read a book someone else has checked out, I have to wait.
You can always try...
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copy[rite] v copy wrong

Posted by: CurtisNeeley
January 3, 2012 @ 10:52pm
The “Richard Prince” decision will impact little regarding how copy[rite] law is amended to deal with artists asserting individual personal rights today or how the modern world deals morally and ethically with IP-backwards United States’ copy[rite]... Read more...
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Can someone copyright their alteration of art in the public domain ?

Posted by: williamsonl
January 2, 2012 @ 2:16pm
If the changes are such that it transforms the work (and there is no definition of this; it would be a matter of opinion if it ever came to court) then the creator would own copyright for the new work.
Replies: 3

Can a picture of my garden be published w/o my knowledge?

Posted by: williamsonl
January 2, 2012 @ 2:14pm
If the photo is one taken from a photo shoot by a previous magazine, then odds are the magazine owns the rights to the photo and they would need permission to reprint it.
If her garden is visible without coming onto the property then taking a... Read more...
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Copyright of scanned images of public-domain works

Posted by: williamsonl
January 2, 2012 @ 2:11pm
Sorry it took so long to get a reply. This sight will be taken down shortly for maintenance so we are not monitoring it closely right now.
If something is in the public domain, then anyone is free to use it. Scanning it into a database does not... Read more...
Replies: 3

Cartoons on a car

Posted by: williamsonl
January 2, 2012 @ 2:04pm
Cartoons characters are also, possibly, covered by trademark law. Might this be fair use? Possibly. You would need to look at the 4 factors and decide. Disney in particular is infamous for going after even the individual when they perceive a violation. ... Read more...
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technologies patents

Posted by: JanetCroft
December 14, 2011 @ 12:52pm
This site only deals with copyright issues. You'd have better luck taking your question to a site discussing patent issues.
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Showing 9 of 41 pages