Copyright Questions

Showing 4 of 41 pages

Controlled Digital Lending

Posted by: Leeali1958
June 17, 2020 @ 12:07pm
I am looking for someone who is doing Controlled Digital Lending (CDL) that willing  to share their policies and/or procedures that were put in place.
Replies: 0

Copyright of test/exam questions

Posted by: Ana Lee
May 17, 2020 @ 9:25pm
Are teachers allowed to use test/exam questions from textbooks to test their students? Would this be under fair use, or do teachers have to create the whole test/exam themselves?
Replies: 1

Providing links to National Emergency Library or Z-Library

Posted by: susabeck
May 15, 2020 @ 1:44pm
I've been providing users e-book links to titles freely available from the National Emergency Library at the Internet Archive and at Z-Library during this period when our library's physical collection is not accessible. A colleague has questioned this... Read more...
Replies: 1

Do virtual open mic night performances need to be original content?

Posted by: mfreeman
May 7, 2020 @ 9:20am
My library is looking to host a Virtual Open Mic Night in the upcoming weeks. We were thinking of inviting folks to read poetry, short stories, or songs; They will only have about a 5 minute timeslot. I've run into the question of whether the content... Read more...
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using book covers and characters for bulletin board?

Posted by: clooney
May 4, 2020 @ 2:33pm
My school's building theme is Chrildren's books. Each teacher will chose a children's book as the theme for their door and hallway bulletin board. 
1) Can teachers put a photo copy of the cover on their board/door? 
2) Can...
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possible to publish a translated article (that has already been published?)

Posted by: laundrybasket36
April 26, 2020 @ 8:04am
I am a translator. I work with a writer who has published a newpaper article in his country (in Spanish). He would like me to translate the article and try to submit to newspapers in MY country in English (so, in short a newspaper has translated the... Read more...
Replies: 1

Linking to publicly available resources from an LMS

Posted by: MNeiman
April 20, 2020 @ 8:09am
Can a company restrict an instructor from providing a link in an LMS (Canvas, Moodle, Blackboard, etc.) to content that the company has made freely available (no password, no membership requirements to access the page, etc.) on the Internet? [|n|n|]... Read more...
Replies: 1

Linking to publicly available resources from an LMS

Posted by: MNeiman
April 20, 2020 @ 8:03am
Can a company restrict an instructor from providing a link in an LMS (Canvas, Moodle, Blackboard, etc.) to content that the company has made freely available (no password, no membership requirements to access the page, etc.) on the Internet? 
Replies: 0

Eductational YouTube Videos during STEM Programming

Posted by: KellyLA
March 31, 2020 @ 3:56pm
Hello! I hope everyone is doing well during this difficult time. I'm using some of my work-from-home time to plan some children's STEM programming for when we reopen. My question is about whether I can embed YouTube videos into a PowerPoint that I will... Read more...
Replies: 3


Posted by: mholehan-kopas
March 27, 2020 @ 11:54am
I would like to video myself reading books for my students during this time that school has shifted to online for COVID-19. Do I need to request permission from the publishers or authors of the books?
Replies: 1

Library Craft-Along Webcast

Posted by: cedmonds
March 16, 2020 @ 8:58am
My library would like to maintain patron engagement during the COVI-19 outbreak, and we would like to do craft-alongs on our social media. We intend to get our crafts from some of the free ebooks available via our publically accessible databases. Since... Read more...
Replies: 1

Can I publish and unpublished work of mine?

Posted by: shib9290
March 2, 2020 @ 10:02am
If I submitted a copyright for a novel that I am writing when it was unpublished, but now I would like to publish it, what steps do I need to complete for the copyright? Do I need to resubmit the copyright (this time as published), do a... Read more...
Replies: 1

Requirements for copyright protection?

Posted by: Carrie
February 12, 2020 @ 7:46am
The work must be an original work of authorship and fixed in a tangible medium. 
Replies: 4

Requirements for copyright protection?

Posted by: Hamza
February 12, 2020 @ 1:11am
What are the Requirements for copyright protection?
Replies: 1

Including Song Lyrics in Open Textbooks

Posted by: alicia.pucci
January 27, 2020 @ 12:01pm
I know that music related topics have been addressed here, but I seek advice on the parameters for including song lyrics in an open textbook (for non-commercial educational use). I understand that it is risky to quote the song in full, but the... Read more...
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Posted by: jillyjelly
January 21, 2020 @ 10:11pm
Hi! My name is Jil.
I am here to ask questions about using screen shoots in my dissertation.
Currently, I am working on my dissertation with a qualitative content analysis method. 
That said, I need to do an in-depth analysis on... Read more...
Replies: 1

Can you recite one poen within an anthology of work?

Posted by: chensley
January 21, 2020 @ 5:47pm
As part of the UIL competition for the district, students in Oral Reading, read a poen from a book, giving the Title and Author credit of the book.  The district has dropped the competition stating it is breaking Copyright Law to site a published poem..
Replies: 1

What copyright restrictions, if any, would there be on literary works written by students and published in a school's literary magazine?

Posted by: LibrisRex13
January 13, 2020 @ 7:48am
A well-known, and now deceased, American author was an alum of our college.  While a student, they wrote a few short stories that were published in our school's literary magazine.  This is the only place these stories were ever published.  We... Read more...
Replies: 1

Does section 105 of the copyright act apply?

Posted by: dudley
January 11, 2020 @ 8:19am
I am trying to put together a short documentary more as an exhibit of my editing prowess than for the content. My intent for the final product was not to directly profit from it but to share it freely as a portfolio piece and hopefully someone... Read more...
Replies: 1

Using clips from The Simpsons for an online course

Posted by: hasong
January 10, 2020 @ 12:45pm
We are designing an online course which needs to use some clips from the show The Simpsons. Each of the clips we want to use are relatively short just for illustration purpose. I'd like to understand if we violates the copyright law to use them without... Read more...
Replies: 1

Are public performance rights for DVDs transferable?

Posted by: CEbert2
December 4, 2019 @ 8:42am
I have a librarian who wants to show a documentary for a program.  A member of the community donated the DVD to us. They bought the publc performance rights to the film.  Can we legally show the donated film?
Replies: 1

Copyright questions regarding images of Payperview and YouTube

Posted by: User_11292019
November 29, 2019 @ 11:17am
Hello everyone,
I hope someone is qualified enough to give me some advice, because it is not always easy to ask the copyright owner due to the lack of contact information. I'm genuinely interessted if I can use images of a boxing fight that was... Read more...
Replies: 1

Old Holiday Cards

Posted by: Bcraig70
November 25, 2019 @ 8:10pm
How do I determine who originally published vintage holiday cards and if they are available for use? 
Replies: 1

Paul Valery's inscriptions on Palais de Chaillot

Posted by: Alfred
November 20, 2019 @ 7:15am
Greeting Carrie and new Copyright Scholars from an original Copyright Scholar.  I'm so glad the forum is back.  I had to create a new username because I changed jobs and emails long ago, but I am the same afry you see in earlier threads.
I have...
Replies: 3

Non-Profit Presentations

Posted by: jritchie
November 14, 2019 @ 1:47pm
We are a non-profit trade association that often presents our research findings and reports at conferences. I know that at least at our own conferences (which we charge for) links are often sent out for attendees to view presentations afterwards. Does... Read more...
Replies: 1
Showing 4 of 41 pages