Copyright Questions

Showing 15 of 41 pages

Spam claiming University's Copyright

Posted by: smarvin
July 21, 2010 @ 11:13am
Received a blanket message on campus alerting everyone to a problem with their email address. Message contains a link to provide correction to the problem. The entire message is false. However, they also used the University's Name with copyright symbol... Read more...
Replies: 1

Question about Copyright & the 3 month grace period

Posted by: ksmith
July 21, 2010 @ 7:59am
There are two major reasons why a copyright should be registered. The first is to be able to bring a lawsuit for infringement in federal court. The second is to be able to collect statutory damages (as opposed to actual damages) if that lawsuit is... Read more...
Replies: 2

Embedding Videos in LibGuides

Posted by: rwrightMD
July 16, 2010 @ 1:46pm
I have found a number of highly informative videos on YouTube that were posted by the publishers Garland Science and iBioSeminars. I am a librarian, and I want to embed them in a LibGuide I am creating for a course. I want to use them because I think... Read more...
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Translation copyright

Posted by: COvalle
July 12, 2010 @ 8:50am
Facts aren't specifically protected by copyright. Patents aren't the same thing, and have issues all of their own.

Of course, the presentation of the facts might be protected by copyright if sufficiently creative (although the fact... Read more...
Replies: 10

Book publisher removes my copyright notice from software.

Posted by: COvalle
July 9, 2010 @ 9:27am
I would suggest talking to an attorney; removing copyright information from a work is potentially a violation of copyright law. It sounds like there are contractual issues as well, so I would really start with that.
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How to obtain rights?

Posted by: COvalle
July 9, 2010 @ 9:23am
There really isn't a simple way for someone to get permission to use copyright content, unfortunately. There are certainly avenues that you can pursue- we've got some links over here: [|n|n|]... Read more...
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SAT and ACT math questions

Posted by: larryraskin
July 5, 2010 @ 9:42am
Both the College Board (maker of the SAT) and the ACT release 3 tests annually (out of the 7 of each that are administered every year) to students who have taken the test and pay $18 to get a clean copy of the test booklet for the month they took the... Read more...
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Disney Characters and copyright law.

Posted by: MKardick
July 4, 2010 @ 8:11am
Someone should jump in here if I am incorrect, but my opinion is that it is OK to show these as part of your portfolio as long as you are not intending to sell them. As a precaution you may want to limit yourself to only one of the images in your on-line... Read more...
Replies: 2

Disney Characters

Posted by: MKardick
July 4, 2010 @ 8:02am
You should search this site for the word Disney. My colleagues and I have previously answered variations of your questions that I believe will be helpful to you.
Replies: 1

Disney Costumes

Posted by: MKardick
July 4, 2010 @ 8:00am
You should search this site for the word Disney. My colleagues and I have previously answered variations of your questions that I believe will be helpful to you.
Replies: 1

Use of Elmo-like costume in business need permission?

Posted by: MKardick
July 4, 2010 @ 7:51am
Using a fair use analysis, in my opinion, this is an infringement. The most obvious issues are money is being paid, adverstising Elmo, and it is not an educational event. There are links on this site on how to obtain permissions or you could rent an... Read more...
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Copyright protection of data tables, graphs, charts

Posted by: nsallred
June 23, 2010 @ 7:32am
Dear Colleagues,
I am the copyright librarian at a technical university and am frequently asked if permission may be required to reproduce a table/graph/chart in a thesis/dissertation/report. From my reading of K. Crews' Copyright Law & Graduate... Read more...
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translation on blog

Posted by: JanetCroft
June 21, 2010 @ 12:23pm
Since it was published in 2008, it's still under copyright. You might be safe to post short passages as a sample, but I'm not familiar with Italian copyright law and whether it includes something parallel to our Fair Use. You might want to contact a... Read more...
Replies: 1

Video recording student theatrical performances

Posted by: COvalle
June 16, 2010 @ 2:33pm
The license information will trump copyright law, I believe- if your license says that you can't do it, you probably shouldn't do it even if it would be legal otherwise.
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Question about copyrighted PLANS (Directions / Instructions / How-TO)

Posted by: jeanpierre
June 7, 2010 @ 9:56am
I'm writing a book and I'd like to put in directions for a hydroponic growing set-up that is similar to some plans i purchased (DVD and instruction booklet). The instructions are different in my book but there are a couple of aspects that are the same. ... Read more...
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Plato Plays

Posted by: JanetCroft
June 3, 2010 @ 1:35pm
The originals are in the public domain. If you want a translation that's in the public domain, look for one that meets the criteria on our Copyright Slider:
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Poetry In Translation

Posted by: JanetCroft
June 3, 2010 @ 1:32pm
Write to the publisher of the original work if it is in copyright in its home country.
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copying journal articles for DVD based tutorial

Posted by: DEALibrary
June 3, 2010 @ 10:24am
A section within an organization is designing a self paced chemistry tutorial that will be available to the Chemists within the organization. The tutorial will contain a bibliography of journal articles from scientific journals that must be read by each... Read more...
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Diagram key list

Posted by: footballknee
May 31, 2010 @ 10:19pm
My question pertains to technical diagrams. These diagrams often use numbers to label the components and then provide a text-based "key" which is a list of the component names and their associated numbers, instead of cluttering the diagram by including... Read more...
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recording audio for client ... copyright question.

Posted by: JanetCroft
May 28, 2010 @ 12:35pm
It sounds like this is for an entirely private use. You're only charging him for recording him, nothing to do with the material he actually records. The recording won't be used outside his own family. I'm not familiar enough with the Canadian rules, but... Read more...
Replies: 2

Copyright date question

Posted by: JanetCroft
May 25, 2010 @ 2:10pm
There's a difference between date of copyright and date of publication. Technically the item is copyrighted the moment it is "fixed in a tangible format." If you are registering your copyright, formal registration occurs "on the date the Copyright... Read more...
Replies: 1

Using internet images in Art

Posted by: ataraxis
May 15, 2010 @ 11:41am
I am working on an art piece that makes a statement about the internet and how people utilize it. The websites have copyright of these peoples' photos, but if I use them as art, much like a film-maker may utilize a collage of images from tv, do I have to... Read more...
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Photograph Copyrights

Posted by: jzspringer
May 13, 2010 @ 12:20pm
I have a question and as I am new to this forum, forgive me if this topic has already been posted.

I am a librarian in charge of digitizing the library's collection of archived photographs. An outside source has offered a collection of... Read more...
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Forum Restored

Posted by: COvalle
May 4, 2010 @ 3:05pm
You may have noticed that the forums were down for about half a day; one of our database tables became corrupt and we had to restore a backup. If you posted or registered yesterday your information may have been lost, so you will need to re-post. We... Read more...
Replies: 0

showing videos to large groups

Posted by: JanetCroft
April 23, 2010 @ 12:34pm
It depends what your license says, but the more closely you can tie showing these movies to the curriculum, the better, and the safer you will be. It would help if there were lesson plans following up on the movies and using them to discuss issues about... Read more...
Replies: 1
Showing 15 of 41 pages